General Meeting/Minutes/2011-03-24
- Attendance: 15
- Minutes accepted General_Meeting/Minutes/2011-02-24 and General_Meeting/Minutes/2011-03-11
[hide]Technical Team Report - Kate
After a great deal of effort, the team has converged on a consistent set of field names which will by synch'ed with all forms of spec shortly.
There are still a couple of areas of open issues which are dependent on the Legal Team, most having to do with who created the SPDX file.
Kate will be starting up a wiki page with an agenda for the upcoming Face to Face; participants should feel free to provide input.
Business Team Report - Phil
Beta training materials are not complete, but are in motion and should be fine for beta.
In the last meeting there was a lot of discussion about a process for requesting/evaluating/adding new licenses to the standard list. See last Business Team meeting's minutes for details.
Legal Team Report - Rockett
SPDX Tool/Template Licensing- Done, we'll be using Apache 2.0
Metadata Licensing
- Stil active discussion delving in aspects of:
- Confidentiality
- Trace ability and change logging
- Copyright
- Rockett and Kate are having an offline discussion to pull it all together.
Templatizing (defining what insubstantial variants are OK for a match to a standard license)
- Proposal being reviewed within Legal Team
- Ready for presentation to other teams in the next 1-2 months
Cross Functional Issues – Phil
Collaboration Summit:
- Agenda has been posted:
- Tech Team meeting Thursday afternoon
- Business Team meeting Friday,
- 1/2 day track on legal related issues Thursday morning
- anyone planning to attend should request an invite via the Linux Collaboration web site. (see link above)
- Please RSVP for Face to Face sessions on Wiki page
Discussion about how to handle "Newbee" question that come in on lists
- Asking Business Team to take on providing guidelines to other teams and general
- General feeling that we need a process to
- Respond in 24 hours
- Provide answers that are consistent with "party line" but at the same time helpful
- Ensure that good questions / answers get captured in FAQ
Action Items
Most of the action items belong with the Teams. So, in addition to statusing, we will dispatch them to the respective teams and will not continue to track in this meeting. Action items for this meeting will be cross functional.
- Kate- Beta collateral: Examples in XML and spreadsheet form. PENDING
- MartinM- Report back on # of people on respective mailing lists. ONGOING
- ** spdx: 98
- spdz-biz: 17
- spdx-legal: 23
- spdx-tech: 21
- Phil O. - Capture a list of who will be at face to face meeting - DONE
- Phil Odence, Black Duck Software
- Kirsten Newcomer, Black Duck Software
- Esteban Rockett, Motorola
- Phil Koltun, Linux Foundation
- Kate Stewart, Canonical
- Tom Incorvia, Microfocus
- Gary O'Neall, Source Auditor
- Jillayne Lovejoy, OpenLogic
- Karen Copenhaver, LF/Choate
- Michael Herzog, NexB
- Pierre Lapointe, NexB
- Kamal Hassin, Protecode
- Jilayne Lovejoy, Open Logic
- Martin Michlmayr, HP
- Bill Schineller, Black Duck Software