General Meeting/Minutes/2011-03-11
From SPDX Wiki
< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance: 11
- Minutes from 2011-02-24 -- acceptance deferred
[hide]Technical Team Report - Kate
Still working through RDF issues/model and spreadsheet to resolve naming, and with a focus on:
- licensing substructure; team plans to post a proposal for general review
- templatizing of license and headers to support legal team; guidelines are available on the legal team wiki
Business Team Report
Kim was traveling. No update from Business Team at this time.
Legal Team Report - Rockett
- license templatizing: 75% of the way through on proposal for normalization of non-significant variants. Goal is to have proposal ready by March 23rd.
- granular discussion of metadata is on-going. No conclusions yet. Karen and Rockett will make a proposal; date for proposal TBD.
- Concluded: any tools coming out of the SPDX project will be licensed under Apache 2.0 and SPDX will recommend Apache 2.0 for 3rd party FOSS tools for this project. Gary will update the tools he's writing to use the Apache 2.0 license.
Cross Functional Issues – Kate (for Phil)
- Collaboration Summit - Phil Kolton, Phil Odence, Kate Stewart, ??
- Agenda has been posted:
- Tech meeting Thursday afternoon
- Business meeting Friday,
- 1/2 day track on legal related issues Thursday morning
- anyone planning to attend should request an invite via the Linux Collaboration web site. (see link above)
- Phil O. will set up wiki page to help us track those planning to attend
- Agenda has been posted:
- European Legal Conf - Scott Peterson, Rockett, Jilyane, Karen C.
- legal team is planning a panel presentation with spdx description and open session for questions
- Karen suggested it would be helpful to have beta participants in audience
- Karen also recommended that the description include broader context about why the SPDX standard is needed and its goals
- Consider conference to be a mini-launch of SPDX spec. Karen will work with Kim to get press release announcing beta
- CFP for Linux Foundation - LinuxCon north america - getting ready for launch.
- Phil Koulton to provide deadline info for call for papers
Action Items
Most of the action items belong with the Teams. So, in addition to statusing, we will dispatch them to the respective teams and will not continue to track in this meeting. Action items for this meeting will be cross functional.
- Kate/Kim- Draft example for LF Member Counsel; include XML and spreadsheet. PENDING
- Beta collateral - March 17th.
- MichaelH/Rockett- Write up and share postion on "reporting" vs. "interpreting. CLOSED
- converged on section 5.3; Update available in legal team minutes
- MartinM- Report back on # of people on respective mailing lists. DONE, BUT LET'S KEEP UPDATING
- Business 11 -> 15; Legal 17->21 ; Tech 16->20
- Phil O. - Capture a list of who will be at face to face meeting - PENDING
- create signup on WIKI for LinuxCollabSummit attendees, adverstise in subgroups, and on these minutes/list.
- Kirsten Newcomer, Black Duck Software
- Bill Schineller, Black Duck Software
- Peter Williams, OpenLogic
- Esteban Rockett, Motorola
- Phil Koltun, Linux Foundation
- Kate Stewart, Canonical
- Tom Incorvia, Microfocus
- Gary O'Neall, Source Auditor
- Jillayne Lovejoy, OpenLogic
- Karen Copenhaver, LF/Choate
- Michael Herzog, NexB