General Meeting/Minutes/2011-02-24
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< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance: 9
- Minutes from 2012-02-10 approved
[hide]Technical Team Report - Kate
Mid March is now target for spreadsheet in draft form, with spec that correlates to spreadsheet.
- license spreadsheet - hooking up with legal team (Jilayne, Rockett, Soren - needs work)
- templatizing of license and headers - will go with copy of main text directly as backup position, will work with legal team to get guidelines for automated translation to templatized version.
Business Team Report - Kim
- current focus on nailing down beta sites. 3- trading partner groups committed, handful of other on investigation list
- will have beta coordinator assigned to each trading group; for facilitation and working with beta partner, need technical and support help to work through beta coords. ( content for FAQ, etc. )
- Will need to do technical training?- Kristen will work on tools
- AI tech team: drafts of spreadsheet, and spec by March 17th.
- AI tech team: Need Technical Training volunteers
- Face to face meeting at Collab will focus on see where things are with Beta; talk about roll out - 4 months away.
- AI: Kim to document - coodinator volunteers associated with beta sites listed.
Legal Team Report - Rockett
- meeting schedule has shifted meeting from 2/23 to 3/2. Resume normal bi-weekly on on 3/9.
- finalized section 5.3 - how ones concludes the license. Last revision from the call documented in Legal team minutes
- license template would like to move from having to copy text as default for templatized version of license
- license list candidates - please let Jilayne know if there's input before next Wednesday
- Linux Foundation Legal Counsels meeting went smoothly, no issues raised.
- Jilayne and Rockett - attending European Legal Conference, on panels; looking for input from prior presentations, and will Kate/Kim prior to meeting.
- IFOSSLR article came out
- RDF format, no one is opposed to its inclusion. Also desire to keep XML as readable as possible, maybe look at HTML 5 as a varient of output. Need to contact Scott Lehman at HP, FOSSology.
Cross Functional Issues – Kate (for Phil)
- Collaboration Summit - Phil Kolton, Phil Odence, Kate Stewart, ??
- Tech meeting Thursday afternoon
- Business meeting Friday,
- 1/2 day track on legal related issues Thursday morning
- anyone needing invite, please work with Phil Kolton, who else planning to attend?
- European Legal Conf - Scott Peterson, Rockett, Jilyane, Karen C.
- who else there, make sense for separate meeting?
- OSBC - May
- Kim reported Mark Radcliff will talk there, may mention SPDX as part of this.
- OSCON - anything about SPDX? maybe look at targetting?
- AI: Business team to follow up?
- CFP for Linux Foundation - LinuxCon north america - getting ready for launch.
- AI: need to get proposals put together
Action Items
Most of the action items belong with the Teams. So, in addition to statusing, we will dispatch them to the respective teams and will not continue to track in this meeting. Action items for this meeting will be cross functional.
- Kate/Kim- Draft example for LF Member Counsel; include XML and spreadsheet. PENDING
- Beta collateral - March 17th.
- MichaelH/Rockett- Write up and share postion on "reporting" vs. "interpreting. PENDING
- converged on section 5.3; so can declare it done, will make sure that revised 5.3 can resolve with Michael offline.
- MartinM- Report back on # of people on respective mailing lists. DONE, BUT LET'S KEEP UPDATING
- Business 11 -> 15; Legal 17->21 ; Tech 16->20
- Kim/Kate- Provide PhilK with paragraph descriptions of Collab Summit sessions by 2/17
New Actions:
We need to capture a list of who will be at face to face meeting - each of the work groups to
- AI: create signup on WIKI, adverstise in subgroups, and on these minutes/list.
- Kirsten Newcomer, Black Duck Software
- Bill Schineller, Black Duck Software
- Kim Weins, OpenLogic
- Peter Williams, OpenLogic
- Esteban Rockett, Motorola
- Phil Koltun, Linux Foundation
- Kate Stewart, Canonical
- Tom Incorvia, Microfocus
- Martin Michlmayr, HP