Website Team/Minutes/2011-05-18
- Steve Cropper
- Pierre LaPointe
- Kirsten Newcomer
Discuss feedback from Biz Team on initial set of mockups.
Based on detailed input and number of questions about where links on mockups would take you, we determined that a sandbox website would server better for presenting ideas and collecting feedback. This approach also allows us to understand what's technically possible using the web site tools available to us.
We also decided that storyboards or user scenarios would be helpful, and identified the following personas:
- Persona1: New to SPDX
- Persona2: Already using SPDX and have questions
- Persona3: Workgroup member
- Persona4: Press
We agreed to use Mindmap as the format:
Once we have an initial set of story boards, the web team will review to look for common patterns, refine the scenarios and then share more broadly and/or implement in sandbox for feedback loop.
We came up with the following set of questions to use for collecting feedback:
- Is the current organization sufficient?
- Are there elements missing?
- Would they like some guidance on structure?
- How easy is it to find what you need? (new vs. returning)
- Do you think the collaboration area will need periodic reorganization?
Feedback collected to date is available here: Old/Website_Refresh/Collected_Feedback
New Action Items
- Storyboard for persona1: New to SPDX (include returning scenario) -- Steve
- Storyboard for persona2: Already using SPDX and have questions (include returning scenario) -- Kirsten
- Storyboard for persona3: Workgroup member (include returning scenario) -- Pierre
- Storyboard for persona4: Press (include returning scenario) -- ask Phil / Kim to help
Open Action Items
- Collect feedback from the Legal team on the Legal Team area -- Michael from NexB
- Talk to Phil Odence about getting feedback on the area for the General Meeting -- Kirsten
- Talk with Kim about getting feedback from the Business team on the Business Team area -- no owner
- Schedule a regular check-in call -- Kirsten
Completed Action Items
- Initial mock-up for a new Home page created and reviewed with Biz Team -- Kirsten
- Contact Martin M. to find out about analytics for the existing web pages; scheduled for 5/25 -- Pierre
- Collect feedback from the Technical team on the Technical Team area -- Kirsten