Technical Team/Minutes/2020-08-25
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< Technical Team | Minutes
August 25, 2020
- Kate Stewart
- Thomas Steenbergen
- Nisha Kumar
- Gary O’Neall
- Peter Shin
- William Bartholomew
- Jim Hutchison
- Philippe Ombredanne
- Vulnerability Profiles
- Identity
- OpenChain Licensing group update – SPDX 3.0
Call with OpenChain Automotive Workgroup
- Thomas attended a meeting with the OpenChain Automotive Workgroup
- Led my Endo-san
- Proposal to create an automotive profile
- Created a PR: PR #468
- Several updates are in progress for the PR
- Several enhancements to 3.0 requested
- Need a product entity
- Need a condition entity
- Need defects
- Defects go against conditions
- Which product is involved
- Where in the lifecycle (e.g. prototype)
- Questions on scope
- Initial proposal would use SPDX for specifications communications back to supplier
- Should that be in scope for SPDX?
- Discussion on defects
- Should we expand vulnerabilities to include functional defects, others?
- Thomas suggested vulnerabilities are very similar to other types of defects
- Relationship to patches
- Desire to communicate document expiration or other way to include the concept of time
- Should we have a time profile?
- Stating a future expectation like “I will release a new version on xxx” may violate the principle of stating facts
- would like to avoid modeling contractual relationship
- Audience – who is the intended recipient?
- Example OEM supplier may document information which is not intended to be communicated to end users
- Steve suggested that the process used for communicating documents may provide the mechanism for what is communicated to whom
- Came out of the 3T SBOM comparison to SPDX
- Current SPDX identity is a structured string (e.g. PERSON: (email))
- Proposal to structure this as a separate class in SPDX 3.0 using person, organization and tool as subclasses
- name and email would be properties
- There may have been an identity type in the linking profile
- Nisha will check with Santiago
- Nisha asked if there was a process to propose promoting a field from a profile to the base profile
- Those proposals can be raised in the SPDX tech meeting
- Wait until we see commonalities between profiles before promoting
- This could be used for identity properties used in linking profile and perhaps vulnerabilities
- No concerns about adding structure to the identity
Vulnerability Profiles
- 3T SBOM put vulnerabilities in the defects
- Thomas presented the 3T defects spec
- Similar structure to SPDX
- Additional relationships
- Proposal to use defects rather than vulnerabilities
- Question on having defect types or subclasses
- Could use different profiles for security defects vs. other types of defects
- DefectRepsonse
- Not necessarily a fact like a defect is a fact
- Should have a relationship to defect
- Examples – isAffectedBy – this would be a relationship and more fact based
- Should state SPDX 3.0 design principles
- Could start with the spec statements about scope for SPDX 2.2
- Should Vulnerabilities be their own element or a “type” of defect?
- Source – specify the source
- Rating is likely related to the source
- Suggestion to move the rating to the source
- Score may change over time
- Vulnerability creation time may be different than document creating time
- From Peter: CVSS has an equation under the hood - Weight_for_base * base + weight_for_impact * impact + ….
- Dependency Tree Profile proposal
Next Week
- SPDX 3.0 design principles (e.g. facts based, scope related)
- Dependency Tree Profile proposal – or template