Technical Team/Minutes/2020-06-02
From SPDX Wiki
< Technical Team | Minutes
June 2, 2020
- Jim Hutchison
- Rex Jaeschke
- Kate Stewart
- William Bartholomew
- Gary O’Neall
- Nisha Kumar
- Steve Winslow
- John Mudge
- Takashi Ninjouji
- Peter Shin
- Rose Judge
- Thomas Steenbergen
Topics: Rex/John update on 2.2.1 GSoC SPDX Tools
SPDX 2.2.1
- Update from Rex
- Help wanted on a few issues (tagged as help needed)
- John making progress on translating code into format.
- Would like to target next week for all issues to be resolved, and put out for general review.
- All mentors have met with their students
- Coding has started
- Adding a standing agenda item for the students to ask questions each meeting.
SPDX Tools in the Repo
- Java
- Classic Java Tools - Supports 1.2, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2(except for JSON/YAML/XML)
- New Java Tools - new repo that has API changes from classic java tools. Supports all formats of 2.2
- Python
- Need an update from Philippe on what happened to 2.1 port worked on via GSoC last summer
- Gary offered to help once we have breakdown clarified.
- Supports 1.2 today, but needs be brought up to 2.2
- Tern could use the Python library for as a validator
- Could use the community bridge mentoring program to help – Gary will follow-up on the mentoring call
- GoLang
- Currently 2.1
- Next working on 2.2
- Summer of code project to implement RDF format being incorporated
- JavaScript
- Last year's GSoC project but needs some work
- Could potentially use Kotlin as a substitute
- Kotlin
- ORT uses SPDX
- Could separate out a separate library
- License mapping
- Left off on how to map the ID’s to the aliases
- Each language can implement
- Future topic, possibly discuss in ACT.
SPDX 3.0
- Steve provided an overview of meta-issues
- Different projects use different terms – agreement to use Meta issue
- Suggestion to use Github template for the meta issues
- Steve will create a template for META issues
- Consider using templates for the different profiles
- Labels
- suggest “profile licensing” - ok'd by Steve
- suggest “profile base” - ok'd by William
- suggest “profile security” - ok'd by Thomas
- Kate will add some additional profile labels
- No meta issue for security for now – will use labels
- William will look at a meta-profile
Next Week’s Agenda
- 2.2.1 update
- GSoC update
- License profile – joint call with legal starting at 15 minutes after the hours