Technical Team/Minutes/2015-08-25
From SPDX Wiki
< Technical Team | Minutes
Aug 25, 2015
- Gary O'Neall
- Kate Stewart
- Bill Schineller
- Scott Sterling
- Yev Bronshteyn
- Hassib Khanafer
External Package Identifiers
- Yev will update google docs to reflect decisions made in the last discussion on the topic
Version 2.1
- Include:
- snippets
- external identifiers and security
- meta tags
- Target completion by compliance summit in November with a fallback plan for Collab Summit
Meta Tags
- Reference Wiki page
- Will allow for license expression
- Name for the tag (SPDX-License-Identifier: )
- Discussion on using different terms - Consensus on the original proposal
- Maps to license information in file
- Multiple SPDX-License-Identifier will be treated as multiple licenses expressions in the License Information in File
- Where should the metatag be placed?
- Normally at the top of the file, but it should follow the convention of the language used
- Near/in the context of the code it is associated with
- Not prescriptive, more recommendations
- Do we include anything on compiled strings?
- Proposal to not exclude the compiled strings
- Defining the end of license expression -
- Use the same rules as the license expressions - whitespace after license ID, expressions must use parenthesis "(" ")"
- Examples
- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT blah foobar [OK since there is whitespace after a license ID]
- SPDX-License-Identifier: (MIT) blah foobar [OK]
- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL with classpath-exception [Not OK - the expression must be enclosed by the parenthesis. This will be interpreted as GPL]
- SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL with classpath-exception) [OK]
- for best results always surround licenseid/expression with PARENTHESES
- Copyrights will not be explicitly added in this release, although we may reference guidelines on how to document copyrights
File Type Application
- Section 4.3.1 - Application as defined by Mime Type is very general, and may not be what is intended
- New wording suggested by Yev - APPLICATION if the file can be executed (natively or with an interpreter) to provide functionality.
- Agreed to wording - proposed changing 2.1 - Add bug, Yev will log it as a bug [Bug added - ID 1311]
Agenda topics
- Next week we will cover Snippets
- Follow-on discussions to close on the External IDs + Security