Technical Team/Minutes/2014-09-16
From SPDX Wiki
< Technical Team | Minutes
September 16, 2014
- Gary O'Neall
- Bill Schineller
- Scott Sterling
- Jack Manbeck
- Mark Gisi
- Jack Manbeck
- Kirsten Newcomer
- Case sensitive license expression
- Review Kate's draft document
Case sensitivity for license information
- Agree that operators should be case insensitive
- License ID's are case sensitive
- Mark will verify with legal team before concluding
Review of Kate's Draft Document
- reviewing document located at:
- Note - some changes were made in suggestion mode and some were made in edit mode. As we got into the call we decided to use suggestion
- File Type
- Change definition of file type to match our discussions
- Add intrinsic to the file type - not sure how to word to make it readible. Added "independent on how the file is being used" - docs is updated
- Agreed to remove the sentence on license impact - it is an interpretation which may not be accurate
- Text file type - changed the restriction that source should be used since we can now have multiple file types (e.g. have both Text and Source file types).
- Discussion on examples - generally agree that more examples are better
- Moved README example for text down to the example section
- SPDX definition should be more specific - an SPDX file, not just a file containing SPDX information
- Tweaked wording for documentation to make it less of a relationship and more intrinsic to the file
- Added application type example
- Change definition of file type to match our discussions
- Relationship types
- Nameing of relationship types
- Needs to be unique in RDF - porposal RelationshipType_XXX -
- Do we need to be consistent in tag/value?
- Less readable but more consistent
- If not unique, may make the parsing tools more difficult
- Table the discussion on the prefixes for tag/value until we pull Kate back in
- SPDXElement description - move what an element is to the examples
- Comment cardinality - changed to optional one - should make it a best practice for adding comments if the type is other
- Added 8.3 - related SPDX document checksum - preliminary wording
- Agreed that it is OK to go with the blue pattern
- Change generated from example to a source file / binary file relationship
- Nameing of relationship types