Legal Team/Minutes/2014-05-29
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< Legal Team | Minutes
- Mary Harding, Qualcomm
- Jack Manbeck, TI
- Jilayne Lovejoy, ARM
- Dennis Clark, NexB
- Paul Madick, HP
- Mark Gisi, Wind River
Update on items that need to be done for 2.0
- general thoughts on timing: do we need to provide an early release of this list for toolmakers, due to major changes?
- need to check with Gary and maybe other tool makers?? do we need a beta release of the list?
- keep this idea in mind; will discuss further on next call when we have more info on timing of release of 2.0
- going back to value of incremental release in terms of number of exceptions
1) Fedora List
- got through the list as of call yesterday!!
- next steps: get summary of questions to Fedora and allow review of "rejected" licenses
- add licenses to list (as part of update of list anyway), including any needed templates
2) License Expression Language (Mark)
- how do we handle "NONE" and "NO ASSERTION"? do we need to change the recommendation?
- probably need to add clarification that NONE and NO ASSERTION are to be used alone, not with the operators
- probably best to leave the explanations for NONE and NO ASSERTION where they are in the spec
- Mark to send draft via Google doc in next few days (next meeting: this will be number one priority, so review ahead of time(
3) License Template for Matching Guidelines (Jilayne)
- progress has been made! half way through existing list
- on track to get done in next couple weeks; next steps to confer with Daniel
4) License Exceptions (Dennis)
- great work! list that Dennis has come up with, with help from Tom's work previously
- list is pretty long; all agreed to go back to idea of only adding a few key ones first with others to follow in subsequent release, maybe limit to ones that were on original list first to allow experience with this change before we start adding more
- only add ones that were on list previously; can then add more in another rev
- went through list and tagged those as priority to add now
- Dennis to tag ones that were on list previously as 2.0, tagging 2.1 as those that seem next priority, and others beyond that; can decide later if we want to add a few more
- start with no templates for exceptions and can deal with that possibility as variations come up later
- Dennis to provide description of fields for license exception list - Notes, and Example of Use
5) Updating License List (Jilayne)
- will rev license list as 2.0 when release (at same time of spec) with license expression language, license exception list (deprecated licenses), and templates
- v1.20, if released at all (depending on timing of 2.0) would be a rev with just the new licenses (those recently approved and Fedora list)
6) Other tasks needed:
- updating the fields definitions for the License List to include fields for exception list
- update Matching Guidelines so that it's clear
- update SPDX License List description text (on licenst list page and where else?)
- where to put the exception list on website - could put table at bottom of license list (but that would make the page quite long) or put it on another page - need to ask Gary re: mechanics
- or add bullet saying, for common exceptions, please use exceptions list, which takes you to a jump on same page or separate page - either way works
- where to describe license exception list - is it inherently part of license list or separate? need to think about further... TBD
- also may need to add something on Request New License
- Paul will review and come up with ideas for definitive list of things that need changing for next call