General Meeting/Minutes/2021-03-04
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< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance: 18
- Lead by Phil Odence
- Minutes of Feb meeting Approved
- Housekeeping
- Zoom - Will be migrating to Zoom for these meetings; working with LF
- Phil will need to cut out early; Steve will take over notes
[hide]SPDX BOM for CMake Project
- Materials:
- Background
- Presented previously at FOSDEM
- Used Zephyr, lightweight RTOS
- Goal in parallel with CMake build generate an SPDX file
- including relationships
- fully automated
- not pull from external sources (license data for example)
- make is Zephyr-agnostic, so could be reusable
- On GHub
- Used File-based API on CMake
- to tell CMake to dump JSON meta-data files for each artifact
- and then build
- Created SPDX
- Pull from
- Sources directory
- Artifacts directory
- Pull SPDX short form license names from files
- Create relationships
- Output is two files
- Sources
- Build artifacts
- w links between
- Pull from
- Findings
- Some limitations to the CMake API data, missing some info that CMake seems to “know”
- Some invalid IDs
- Graphiz was helpful in visualize the relationships represented in JSON files
- Next Steps
- Takeaways: the concept basically works; start small and can be improved
- Working w Zephyr community
- may have made it overly agnostic
- could tailor to Z build system
- but generalized version is a great starting point
- Michael Herzog: developed TraceCode as a tool to similarly look at details during the build process; more generalized, but extremely hard to use for anything sizeable b/c creates so much data
- Also looked at Yocto as a way to gather this information
- Kate: Richard Purdie interested in this also from the Yocto side – perhaps get together a working group focused on this. Yocto also doing work around reproducible builds, and has been adopting SPDX identifiers.
- Kay: thoughts on a “Build” profile for SPDX 3.0 to incorporate build-time data about e.g. the call used to start the compilation, the environment / compilation settings, etc. We should get various compiler people talking about how to align practices for this
- Kate: agreed, let’s get a working group together on this
Legal Team Report - Jilayne/Paul/Steve
- Gary and William got the license list CI system moved from Travis to GitHub Actions – thank you!
- 3.12 – aiming to release this weekend; will tie up remaining issues in call after this meeting
- Jilayne and Steve looking at getting some bigger projects going
- Invite to all to jump into the conversations in issue threads -
Tech Team Report - Kate/Gary/Others
- Model and Process update – Gary
- William leading discussions on Base profile model – reconciling feedback
- Template for how to draft and write the profile specifications
- Google Summer of Code – Gary
- Should be hearing back shortly whether SPDX was accepted for 2021
- Spec – Kate
- Defects / Security – Thomas
- currently revising what was discussed on prior meetings
- worked with William on expressing vulnerabilities
- also looking at: whether / how to express mitigation measures
- Linking – Nisha
- Sounds like people do want a Linking / Linkage profile
- Currently described in the spec as an “External Map” from 3T discussions, but not sure what this means – looking for more details
- Integrity – Kay
- Working on creating POC for taking an SBOM, serializing it to binary, signing it using the COSI (?) standard
- could be signed in other ways, but using this for POC b/c small format and usable for small devices
- expect to have this the week after next
- spec for document integrity – “here’s how you sign SBOMs” – after having that as an example, plan to start reviewing with broader group
- may be a month before ready to discuss on a tech team call
- Usage – Yoshiyuki Ito
- discussing what info to include in usage profile
- looking at using external map to refer to external information sources
- Pedigree / Build / Creation – Kate
- can start those meetings happening, flesh out ideas
- reach out to in-toto folks to align with them
- Defects / Security – Thomas
- SPDX 2.2.1 – Kate:
- ISO balloting has finished on the specification, via JDF
- Approved from balloting, so should be getting an ISO number in the next few months
- May have some tweaks to the 2.2.1 repo coming in, based on comments from ISO reviewers
Outreach Team Report
- No Report
- Phil Odence, Black Duck/Synopsys
- Steve Winslow, LF
- Michael Herzog- nexB
- Gary O’Neall, SourceAuditor
- David Edelsohn
- Jeff Schutt
- Rose Judge, VMware
- Nisha Kumar, VMware
- Jilayne Lovejoy, Red Hat
- Kate Stewart, Linux Foundation
- Emmanuel Tournier, Black Duck/Synopsys
- Jorge Rodriguez-Moreno
- Alfredo Espinosa
- Kay Williams, Microsoft
- Paul Madick, Jenzabar
- William Cox, Synopsys
- Bob Martin, Mitre
- Thomas Steenbergen, HERE