General Meeting/Minutes/2020-12-03
From SPDX Wiki
< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance: 11
- Lead by Phil Odence
- Minutes of Nov meeting Approved
[hide]Tech Team Report - Gary
- Spec
- Nov, busy month
- Mostly working on Base Model
- Working on Relationships
- Between, for example, files, packages, etc
- Exploring verification methods, digital signatures, etc
- Supporting Contains
- This should clear the way to get more work done on the other profiles
- Process work too
- Hoping enough is in place after next meeting to remove blockers
- Working on Relationships
- Tools
- New release of online tools is up
- Quite significant
- Much new functionality
- As such, there will likely be issues
- Report in GitHub or emailing Gary
- There was a character encoding issues that was quickly resolved
- New license list generator has improved the LL
- Good work/improvements on Go libraries
- THANKS, Rishabh
- New release of online tools is up
Legal Team Report - Paul/Jilayne/Steve
- Main Nov work 3.11 License release
- A little smaller than previous was
- 3.12 discussions starting today
- Aiming for end of Jan
- Dealing with a little backlog of new requests
- Could use help, as usual
- Documentation/Website
- Core team has been overhauling
- Updating License List page
- Including moving to GitHub
Outreach Team Report
- Aveek’s ideas for increasing SPDX Participation
- Started discussing last meeting
- Rough plan
- Approach student communities at different schools
- Give assignments to students or onboarding
- e.g. Open Printing has a generic, easy, but comprehensive assignment defined
- May need different ones for different technologies
- Single point of contact to guide students
- Perhaps students from previous years
- Identify basic issues to assign
- Encourage participation in GSOC and LFMP
- Encourage previous students to mentor
- Organize Virtual Meetups
- From student groups in schools
- Also has the idea of talking to other projects about benefits
- Will start with Open Printing
- Phil Odence, Black Duck/Synopsys
- David Wheeler, Linux Foundation
- Rishabh Bhatnagar, St Francis Inst Tech
- Aveek Basu, NextMark Printers
- Steve Winslow, LF
- Jilayne Lovejoy, Canonical
- Mark Atwood, Amazon
- Paul Madick
- Mike Dolan, Linux Foundation
- Jim Hutchison, Qualcomm
- Rose Judge, VMware