General Meeting/Minutes/2018-04-05
From SPDX Wiki
< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance: 13
- Lead by Phil Odence / Jack Manbeck
- Minutes of March meeting approved
[hide]Adoption Update- Kate
- License List Identifiers Update
- DEP 5 adopting, LF and others
- IDs in Source
- U-Boot, selected projects, LF projects including the Kernel
- Eclipse, FreeBSD,
- Open Gov Partnership
- Doc Creation
- New formats: YAML, others
- Tooling
- Open Source
- SPDX Tools, FOSSology, ScanCode
- Commercial
- Open Source
- Wind REiver, Protecode, SourceAuditor, TripleCHeck, WS (license list only), BD
- Scan tool accuracy- Different tools get slightly differing results
- Formats correctness- worth checking too
- Outreach time is working on examples for testing
- SPDX tools have compare capabilities
- New Tools for Inside Org workflow
- SPDX online tools to validate and compare
- SW360, ORT, Quartermaster
- Between Orgs
- Aligning with OpenChain
- REUSE by FSFE- Conventions for best practices for how/where to include license info (check out their cute video)
- Emerging: Software Parts Ledger
- Blockchain Hyperledger (driven by Wind River)
- Missing Pieces
- Real world reference examples, use studies, build integration
(copy of Kate's slides attached at the bottom)
Tech Team Report - Kate
- Looking at google summer of code. That’s apriority right now. We are reviewing proposals from candidates and have eighteen this year! The quality of the proposals seems to be very good. Not sure how many slots google will give us yet (should know next week) but we are asking for 5-6.
- We have just enough mentors for the project’s but would welcome any additional ones. No experience needed and you can be teamed up with an experienced mentor. There is much you can do, even non-technical.
- The 2.1.1 specification update is pending. All GIT issues are resolved. This is a minor update for mostly types and clarifications and changes to support the specification being in GitHub. Kate is working with Thomas to be able to generate a review version to send out. Expect the review time frame to be 1-2 weeks long.
Outreach Team Report - Jack
- We are revamping the main suite for the Use area. What we had was an initial cut. Pages are being broken out and expanded. First section to change will the license identifiers in source (Steve Winlsow from the LF is doing this) followed by the list and documents sections.
- SPDX website move. No movement yet. Still waiting on the LF to come back with a new update. They have to get extra help to figure out how to do the license list and rdf pages that we auto generate.
- If anyone is going to LinuxCon in Vancouver (August) the call for papers is open. Please submit any you might o have on SPDX. We are also investigating whether we can do another tool bake off and/or a birds of a feather session.
Legal Team Report - Jilayne
- 3.1 license list is still pending. Need to make sure all open issues on it are resolved. Anyone wishing to help (which would be greatly appreciated) should join the Legal Calls.
- Phil Odence, Black Duck/Synopsys
- Matthew Crawford, ARM
- Steve Winslow, LF
- Dennis Clark, NexB
- Kate Stewart, Linux Foundation
- Jack Manbeck, TI
- Jilayne Lovejoy, ARM
- Michael Herzog- nexB
- Matija Šuklje, Liferay
- Bradlee Edmondson, Harvard
- Gary O’Neall, SourceAuditor
- Dave Marr, Qualcomm
- Philippe Ombrédanne- nexB