General Meeting/Minutes/2017-09-07
From SPDX Wiki
< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance: 11
- Lead by Phil Odence
- Minutes of July meeting approved
[hide]Guest Presentation - Krys Nuvadga
- Studying sw engineering in Cameroon
- GSoC project: License grader tool.
- Command line tool that would compare and SPDX doc to Source files
- To determine the coverage of the info in the SPDX document
- Use cases
- Scan and pass SPDX doc to get license information in a format to perform calculations
- Get a source file validator to determine if a particular file was covered
- Factors considered to determine if something was source file
- LoC
- Characters
- Factors considered to determine if something was source file
- Started with a simple case to get running
- Incremental approach
- Developed module by module
- Used Python
- Scanner
- Source code analysis passing results as XML
- Results comparison
- Grading for each package
- Developed module by module
- Features
- Scanning
- Computation on source package
- Status
- Working
- Still WIP
- Refining
- Addressing performance issues
- Questions
- why to use
- To determine how complete the file license information is
- Will the user get a list of fils without info?
- Yes
- why to use
Tech Team Report - Kate/Gary
- Spec
- All on GItHub now
- migrated Google doc discussions
- 2.1.1 version fixing typos
- 2.2
- slated for late in the year
- will include new features
- feature set still open, please contribute
- Kate speaking next week at the Open Source Summit talking about testing scanning tools
- All on GItHub now
- Tooling
- Completing GSoC
- All students passed
- All up on GitHub
- Very successful
- Completing GSoC
Legal Team Report - Jilayne/Paul
- XML Conversion slightly stalled
- “ONLY” issue has required focus
- Brought up some inconsistencies
- Lots of discussion on tech and legal calls and joint ones
- Jilayne summarized in wiki
- Proposal
- Add ONLY operator
- Remove “only” from current names
- will necessarily cause some backward compatibility issue
Outreach Team Report - Jack
- Working on tool to generate test files for scanners
- working fine
- cleaning up documentation
- will create a test file and will upload it
- needs a name
- to be resolved in call today
- Phil Odence, Black Duck
- Krys Nuvadga, University of Buea, Cameroon
- Gary O’Neall, SourceAuditor
- Paul Madick, Dimension Data
- Jack Manbeck, TI
- Kate Stewart, Linux Foundation
- Jilayne Lovejoy, ARM
- Matija Suklje, FSFE
- Rashmi Chitrakar, Qualcomm
- Bradlee Edmondson, Harvard
- Thomas Steenbergen, HERE