General Meeting/Minutes/2017-03-02
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< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance: 11
- Lead by Phil Odence
- Minutes of Feb meeting approved
[hide]Special Presentation- Mark Charlebois / Rashmi Chitrakar, Qualcomm
- Mark from corp R&D, Rashmi from the open source group
- Mark works on Dronecode
- Goal is to build with Yocto
- Want to provide good license info
- At the outset Yocto build only supported SPDX 1.0 and uses FOSSology for scanning
- Yocto is a distribution that comes with recipes for custom builds
- Motivation
- reducing scan times was key
- FOSSology was taking as much as 6 days
- Introducing LiD to address
- (Deck is available)
- Yocto
- has a number of build stages
- current integration was inserted after patch stage to only scan what’s patched
- but that doesn’t allow for reusability
- So, the approach was to scan upstream sources and focus scan on only patches
- Uses Yocto archiver
- FOSSology integration
- Mark was not able to even get it going
- Old, did not seem well maintained
- New integration
- Implements approach to
- Leverage newer SPDX capabilities
- Relationships between files
- Usage info (e.g. dynamic library)
- Allows for parallelizing across machines
- Can flag discrepancies (e.g. two different licenses declared)
- Goal
- create a federated commons of pre-scanned code
- so, everyone’s work is cut by, say, 90% (as they only need to scan their customer 10%)
- LiD
- Main Features of Scanners
- They have access to FOSSology tools (Nomos, Monk)
- Evaluated using Qualcomm code for testing
- Nomos was pretty good at detecting license language (94%)
- Monk, only about 25%
- Used SPDX license list as source for license matching
- Goal
- Aiding in license compliance
- Hope was to generate SPDX
- Main Features of Scanners
- Main functions
- Scans source code to ID license language
- Natural Language Process “Bag of words” approach
- Jakarta index shows how well it matches
- Levenstein measures to determine where to start/end
- Output- color coded matches (and deviations)
- Matched about as well as Noms
- Accuracy
- Right license
- Right region
- Better than Nomos at extracting full text; Monk really fell short
- Can be tuned
- Based on LiD Scores (1-perfect)
- Scores of above .6 were pretty good, but user can adjust
- Nomos, being REGEX based is very computationally expensive.
- Based on LiD Scores (1-perfect)
- Will be available on GitHub
- But available already
- Q&A
- What’s going on with Debian?
- It’s being tested on Debian, not a lot of feedback yet
Tech Team Report - Kate
- Spec
- Have been working on reference examples
- Filling in how to do examples
- Spec being converted to docbooks for style
- Mobile-friendly
- Getting the spec up on GitHub so changes can be tracked, pull requests, etc
- Eventually we’ll move there from Bugzilla for issue tracking
- FacetoFace in Tahoe
- Jilayne did a great presentation that is available as video, Kate’s as well
- JSON format discussion
- Have been working on reference examples
- Tools
- Talked through plans at Face to Face
Outreach Team Report - Jack
- Accepted for Google Summer of Code
- Starting to get interest
- Short meeting last week
- Talked about feedback from Matt’s project surveying companies
- Need to decide if we will do a survey
- Jack says we really need to look at the Ecosystem
- Define user types and what to tell them they should do
- Need to paint a picture of what success is with SPDX
- Some feedback from site “I’m a developer, what do I do?”
- Considering whether we need someone on the outreach team who is more OSS community-focused
- Perhaps looking at “SPDX lite” (wrong word) sort of approach, and easy way to get started
Legal Team Report - Jilayne/Paul
- Good meetings at Tahoe
- 2 hour working session
- Action plan for XML conversion
- How to completely connect the dots and organize upcoming task
- 2 hour working session
- Today’s call will follow up
- Brad Edmondson developing deck and presenting to ABA group
- Mark Charlebois, Qualcomm
- Rashmi Chitrakar, Qualcomm
- Phil Odence, Black Duck
- Kate Stewart, Linux Foundation
- Philippe Ombrédanne- nexB
- Paul Madick, Dimension Data
- Jilayne Lovejoy, ARM
- Jack Manbeck, TI
- Michael Herzog- nexB
- Mark Gisi, Wind River
- Thomas Steenbergen, HERE