General Meeting/Minutes/2016-12-01
From SPDX Wiki
< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance: 11
- Lead by Phil Odence
- Minutes of Nov meeting approved
[hide]Tech Team Report - Kate/Gary
- Spec
- Has been focusing on coding up best practices for creating a Notices file
- Will need some input from the Legal Team, probably a joint meeting
- Output will be pseudo-code which could be the basis for a tools (basis is sparkle queries)
- 2.1 is out there; no current bugs reported
- Kate gave a presentation on 2.1 in Yokahama; will get to Jack for posting on website
- Has been focusing on coding up best practices for creating a Notices file
- Tooling
- All upgraded to 2.1
- No bugs reported
- Python library being upgraded
- Useful for implementing SPDX in a Python-based sw tool
- 2017 Goals Brainstorm
- Tooling to make quality of licensing more visible
- Mark G started this work
- The idea is to grade a project, based on SPDX file, for how complete the licensing is
- Tooling to make quality of licensing more visible
- Looking to get plug-ins adopted into communities
- Apache and Eclipse
- Web based tools
- Current java tools involve installing java environment
- e.g. Past a license into a webpage and have it matched to an SPDX template
- Discuss pros/cons of moving to single format
- JSON- Happy medium between tag value and RDF
- Write a git plug-in for generating SPDX docs
- Could then grade
- Another Google Summer of Code Project
Legal Team Report - Jilayne/Paul
- How to leverage git hub for document maintenance
- xml work
- Still plugging away
- Need to assess where we are in Thursday’s call
- License list
- No Sept release
- Some requests have trickled in
- 2017 Goals Brainstorm
- Big thing is getting the XML templates up
- Getting up and running on GitHub
- Make sure notice files work is accurate
- Upgrading the license expressions language
- Supportive of license match Web App
Outreach Team Report - Jack
- A few meetings have been missed
- Website is up
- Outlining documentation needs
- 2017 Goals Brainstorm
- Do a survey of companies using supply chains - understand what they are doing wrt gathering license data
- Could use other existing groups such as Open Chain
- Do a survey of companies using supply chains - understand what they are doing wrt gathering license data
Cross Functional Topics - Phil
- Phil Odence, Black Duck
- Kate Stewart, Linux Foundation
- Jilayne Lovejoy, ARM
- Paul Madick, Dimension Data
- Gary O’Neill, SourceAuditor
- Tarek Jamal, ARM
- Mark Gisi, Wind River
- Jack Manbeck, TI
- Alexios Zavras, Intel
- Michael Herzog- nexB
- Philippe Ombrédanne- nexB