General Meeting/Minutes/2016-09-01
From SPDX Wiki
< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance: 6
- Lead by Gary O'Neall
- Minutes of August meeting approved
[hide]Tech Team Report - Kate
- SPDX 2.1 all comment incorporated
- PDF should be available today
- Will follow-on with HTML later
- 1 1/2 month feedback cycle
- Tech office hours - should publish to general
- There will be a tools bake-off in Berlin on 6 Oct
- All tools providers are encouraged to attend or send in SPDX documents
- There will not be a west coast bake-off - the West Coast tools providers are encouraged to submit SPDX documents to the Berlin bake-off
Outreach Team Report - Jack
- Getting reading to go live with the new site
- Jack is working with the Linux Foundation to schedule a go-live date
- All updates to the new site have been completed
Legal Team Report - Jilayne
- Going through the XML conversion of the license list
- Action items for closing on the XML conversion is published
- Decided to do the next license list update around the end of Oct. which will use the new XML file format
Cross Functional Topics - Gary
- Discussion on whether the new XML license master list format is intended for external tools or to be used internal only to the Legal Team in producing the license list
- Gary recalled a discussion where we decided the first release of the XML format would be internal only
- Consensus that one of the overall goal of the XML format is to enable better tooling - the issue is only related to the phasing of the XML format implementation
- Some of the issues to external tool use would be the inconsistency in the element and property names with the SPDX specification
- Request that the technical team be involved if the XML format is to be used externally
- Will be discussed on the legal call
- Gary O'Neall
- Kate Stewart
- Jilayne Lovejoy
- Michael Stair
- Scott Sterling
- Paul Madick