General Meeting/Minutes/2015-12-03
From SPDX Wiki
< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance: 7
- Lead by Phil Odence
- Minutes of Nov meeting approved
[hide]Tech Team Report - Gary
- Only 2 tech meetings due to Thanksgiving
- Code Snippets
- Candidate proposal in GoogleDocs for Review
- Background
- A bit controversial due to legit concern that it adds a lot of effort
- Identification at the line level requires substantial extra work
- So, snippets are optional
- Decision driven by important use case- Java script files
- As they tend to bundle together a number of downloadable chunks in one file
- For many other use cases, it may not be used much
- Implementation
- Just added snippet level similar to Package and File
- Additionally adds byte range
- Snippets relate to files analogously to how files relate to packages
- Just added snippet level similar to Package and File
- External ID discussion is back on the table with snippet work starting to wind down
- Tools
- A lot of good community contribution
- individuals from a variety of organizations- Linux, other open source (eg NPM community), some users (e.g. Black Duck)
- Should be releasing a new rev of the SPDX tools in the next few weeks
- Question: relation to Stefano’s work with Debian tooling described at LinuxCon Europe
- Enabling Debian copyright files to auto-gen SPDX files
- Gary will discuss with Kate
- A lot of good community contribution
Legal Team Report - Jilayne/Paul
- Went over the list of license and exceptions list
- Added 2 or 3 licenses and some exceptions
- Entertaining new proposal for mark up format
- involved Tech Team as well
- needs to be resurrected
Outreach Team Report - Jack
- New Website
- Work was put on hold by LF for some higher priority work
- Should have something staged before the end of the year
- Front page will be a big improvement
- Early 2016 launch is targeted, but we will need to evaluate with
- Working on outreach plan
- targeting groups and conferences
Cross Functional Topics - Phil
- Always interested in guest speakers for upcoming meetings
- Please come to Phil with ideas about organizations who are willing to do short/informal presentations on what they are doing with SPDX
- Phil Odence, Black Duck
- Gary O’Neill, SourceAuditor
- Jack Manbeck, TI
- Dave Marr, Qualcomm
- Dave McLaughlin, Rogue Wave
- Jilayne Lovejoy, ARM
- Paul Madick, Dimension Data