General Meeting/Minutes/2014-03-06
From SPDX Wiki
< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance: 10
- Minutes of Feb meeting approved
- Lead by Phil Odence
[hide]Biz Team Report - Jack (unable to attend, but provided written summary)
- Agenda is fixed for Linux Collab and posted on the SPDX web site. LF will publish as well.
- Tech Report Framework is almost complete. Will be ready to go by Collab.
- We have a new co-chair, Mikael Söderberg from Pelagicore
- We are looking at documenting an SPDX ecosystem and generating vertical specific whitepapers on using SPDX.
Legal Team Report - Jilayne
- Calendar Invite
- Some issues with old ones; light attendance at last meeting as a consequence
- Please delete. Everyone on the LT should have a new one from Mike Dolan.
- Fedora List
- Still pushing to get through by CollabSummit
- Goal is to cover as much as possible of the Fedora "good list" on SPDX License List
- Jilayne doing lots of work herself; appreciating any help.
- CollabSummit- Focus for legal meeting with be on the expression language.
Tech Team Report - Gary
- Two main threads of late:
- Applying real examples to the 2.0 model
- Working out how to upgrade Tag Value format to handle new model
- Sorting through three proposals: Extending current approach, JSON, RDF
- Model
- There had been two models, one more evolutionary, one more revolutionary
- Now focused on one based on the more evolutionary approach.
- Tech team will present model at the next General Meeting, April 3
Cross Functional Issues – Phil
- OSI Collaboration Update
- We have had some interaction, but have not yet set up a joint meeting
- 2.0 Language on
- No feedback
- Need to review post CollabSummit
- License Expression Syntax - MarkG
- One more meeting planned prior to CollabSummit
- Aiming for draft and examples for face to face discussion
- Hoping for closure at CollabSummit
- Phil Odence, Black Duck
- Scott Sterling, Palamida
- Pierre Lapointe, nexB
- Kirsten Newcomer, Black Duck
- Jilanyne Lovejoy, ARM
- Mike Dolan, Linux Foundation
- Mark Gisi, Wind River
- Mary Hardy, Qualcomm
- Gary O'Neill, Source Auditor
- Tom Incorvia, MicroFocus