General Meeting/Minutes/2013-10-03
From SPDX Wiki
< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance: 11
- Minutes of Sept meeting approved
- Lead by Jack Manbeck (Phil at a conference)
[hide]Tech Team Report - Gary
- LinuxCon Update:
- Samsung had comments. Incorporated some of their feedback into the 1.2 specification and others written up as IRs in Bugzilla as they are best handled in the 2.0 specification.
- Talked about SPDX 2.0 and new models for handling hierarchy and relationships. Walked through a few examples to see how they would be represented in 2.0. Discussions will be picked up again once 1.2 Specification is done.
- Specification Update
- New target was set for LinuxCon Europe.
- Review draft to tech team this Friday 4 October.
- Best and Final review copy to community the following week. Normally we have a two week review period but these are minor changes so hopefully we can close by LinuxCon Europe which is 21 October.
- Meta Tagging:
- Would be good to standardize that at some point. Maybe a best practice at first.
- More socialization needed. Will meet with Legal team.
- Other
- OMG Session on Open Source practices. Gary and Mark will attend from SPDX. It is an open meeting if others are interested in attending.
Legal Team Report - Jilayne
- Focus on what happened at LinuxCon.
- Discussed license matching guidelines. How the license guidelines and templates match up. Wanted to be clear on where you could find mark up for a license and where you would not.
- How to release the templates. Will release 1.20 of the license list with the templates. Did not want to release a partial set so not included in 1.19.
- Working through the fedora license list.
- Will have some discussion about GPL identifiers like GPL-2.0 and GP-2.0+ based on list email traffic. Team will look at.
Business Team Report - Jack/Scott
- LinuxCon Update:
- Business team call that week was cancelled since we are at LinuxCon with sessions.
- Started a strawman Best Practice’s Document. Outline generated. Need to find an owner to drive.
Cross Functional Issues – Jack
- Some frustration heard on progress on 2.0. Specification 1.2 delayed some. Team is trying to be complete so there was a length use case phase prior to 2.0 starting. More people participating would be good. Better messaging on 2.0 as to what is, where it’s going and what people can do. Need a link from main web site. Perhaps takes you to a landing page with an overview and further links. A solid roadmap.
- More how to tutorials needed as feedback from Samsung.
- Simple tasks for getting people involved if they are starting from ground zero. Have a web page of unassigned items that people could volunteer for? Will set one up.
- Tom Incorvia
- Jilayne Lovejoy
- Pierre Lapointe
- Mark Gisi
- Norm Glaude
- Scott Lamons
- Mike Dolan
- Gary O’Neill
- Matt Germonprez
- Steve Cropper
- Jack Manbeck