General Meeting/Minutes/2013-07-03
From SPDX Wiki
< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance: 7
- Minutes of May 2 meeting and June 6 virtual meeting approved.
- Lead by Phil Odence
[hide]Tech Team Report - Kate
- Team will be using a googledoc as the working copy of the 1.2 spec
- Contact Kate if you would like to be added to the doc
- Requirements for 1.2 are stable and are in Bugzilla
- The goal of releasing 1.2 by LinuxCon looks achievable in the absence of any major changes.
Legal Team Report - Jilayne
- Main focus is on creating license templates
- Have been testing
- It's been a little trial and error with some confusion
- Jilayne will be puttying out a clarification
- Daniel German will take formated inputs from legal team and implement markups
- May be complete by LinuxCon
- Have been testing
- Have started looking at the Fedora license list to determine coverage
Business Team Report - Jack/Scott
- Team is looking at our participation in LinuxCon
- Some papers have been submitted
- Thoughts of a Welcome to SPDX session
- Working on guidelines for developers; could be a LinuxCon session
- Survey results are available
- Note that there is a bug in Drupal. To download docs, you need to be logged in and you need to hit the file cabinet icon all the way on the right first, and then download.
Cross Functional Issues – Phil
- Web Site Update - Jack
- Will be adding Blog; Phil will make sure at least one update per month
- Will be adding some pictures; Phil is driving and could use any relevant pics.
- Linux Foundation feedback - Mike Dolan
- Good interest in SPDX from Yocto and Open Daylight
- Several member companies have expressed interest in accelerating 2.0 release
- We are constrained by Tech Team resources to single threading 1.2
- Mike thinks he may be able to come up with some resources
- Kate believes that 3-4 more people willing to work outside meetings would make a dramatic difference
- Phil Odence, Black Duck
- Jilayne Lovejoy, OpenLogic
- Kirsten Newcomer, Black Duck
- Tom Incorvia, Microfocus
- Kate Stewart, Linaro
- Mike Dolan, Linux Foundation
- Jack Manbeck, TI