General Meeting/Minutes/2013-02-07
From SPDX Wiki
< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance: 10
- Minutes of Jan 10 meeting approved.
- Lead by Phil Odence
[hide]Business Team Report - Jack/Scott
- Just had first meeting of year
- Finalized and posted SPDX roadmap doc Business_Team/Roadmap/2013
- Planning for Collab Summit
- Reserviing SPDX room for at least one day
- Working to mesh with Summit agenda which is still a little fluid
- Planing on a 'plug and play' session involving SPDX, open source and commercial tools.
- Several presentations submitted for Summit including a tools presentation from Mark and Gary
- Trying to get more direct involvement from Matt Germonprez. Jack will invite him to speak at the next General Meeting.
Tech Team Report - Kate
- Working through 2.0 use cases.
- Looking at how many could be handled in a 1.2 release.
- Down to 12 use cases that still require discussion
- Progress, but slow
- Link to use cases: Technical_Team/Use_Cases/2.0
Legal Team Report - Jilayne
- Good organizational progress with assigning individuals (other than just Jilayne) to shepard various projects.
- Still need someone to own matching guidelines, key project.
- License list
- Going through exercise of comparing to Fedora list (as we did with FSF), identifying gaps and closing as appropriate/possible.
- The discussion of Public Domain being included in the license list keeps coming up. Jilayne is in the process of posting the logic behind the decision.
Cross Functional Issues – Phil
- Web Site Update - Jack
- Still planning to cut over to new site by Collab Summit
- Wiki conversion remains unknown.
- MartinM is researching
- Jack is not too worried and has backup plans if it can't be completely automated
- Feeling is that current structure lends itself to move to new structure and Wiki.
- Jack is reviewing architectural work that we did when LF first constructed
- Matt Germonprez has offered to help with site in general.
- Jack still wants to identify admins; still needs to create job descriptions
- Question came up as to whether one can subscribe to pages in the new Wiki...yes
- Phil Odence, Black Duck
- Jilayne Lovejoy, OpenLogic
- Gary O'Neill, SourceAuditor
- Kirsten Newcomer, Black Duck
- Michael Herzog, nexB
- Jack Manbeck, TI
- Adam Cohn, Cisco
- Scott Lamons, HP
- Kate Stewart, Linaro
- Steve Cropper, Cisco