General Meeting/Minutes/2012-09-06
From SPDX Wiki
< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance: 13
- Minutes of August 23 meeting approved.
- Lead by Phil Odence
[hide]Technical Team Report - Jack standing in for Kate
- Ed Warnicke has introduced an interesting new scheme for "watermarking" files
- The idea is that a developer combines a small bit of code into their file that preserves license and copyright information through compilation so that information can be extracted from the binary
- He's currently running experiements to determine what kind of overhead this introduces
- Could have intersting positive implications for future SPDX versions.
Legal Team Report - Jilayne
- License list
- Finished scrubbing through the FSF list and have plan in place for adding deltas to the SPDX list; pending licenses or on a spreadsheet that Jilayne has posted.
- She's also putting up a mage to mention other groups we are coordinating with.
- Next discussion with be to try to agree on a high level statement about the scope of the license list; how broad and deep are we trying to go? The legal team will kick off the discussion and may need input from the other teams.
Business Team Report - Jack & Scott
- Little to update as last week's meeting was cancelled for LinuxCon. In its stead was a face to face with about a dozen people that focused mostly on technical discussion.
- 1.1 Press Release was issued at LinuxCon and looked great.
- The panel discussion at LinuxCon was well received by about 25 attendees; kudos to Scott for coordinating a very interesting session.
- Ibrahim from Linux Foundation is devoting significant time to SPDX and focusing on driving adoption. There's a possiblity of his leading a meeting on this topic (phys/virt/hybrid?) in the next couple months.
Cross Functional Issues – Phil
- Web Site Update
- Jack has been leading a debug effort.
- Much work got done at LinuxCon fixing bad links, wrong pages, etc and it's substantially cleaned up. That work will continue over the next couple weeks.
- In parallel, the team leads are working on standardizing the different team sections
- Linux Foundation has offered (and we will likely accept) to have their contractor re-implement the website on a firmer, more modern foundation. Work would begin in mid-October. MartinM is working with the rest of the web team to understand stability/recoverability implications. Expections are that this will be a great step forward on all dimensions.
- Phil Odence, Black Duck
- Michael Herzog, nexB
- Jilayne Lovejoy, OpenLogic
- Jack Manbeck, Texas Instruments
- Ibrahim Haddad, Linux Foundation
- Jason Buttura, Cisco
- Steve Cropper, Cisco
- Scott Lamons, HP
- Brandon Robinson, Cisco
- Tom Incorvia, Microfocus
- Kamyar Emami, Protecode
- Adam Cohn, Cisco
- Pierre Lapointe, nexB