General Meeting/Minutes/2012-05-03
From SPDX Wiki
< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance: 11
- Meeting lead by Kate Stewart
- Chuck - Protecode
- Michael Herzog - NexB
- Pierre La Point NextB
- Tom Incorvia - MIcrofocus
- Kate Stewart - Canonical
- Martin M - HP
- Scott -
- Mark Gisi - Windriver
- Jilyane Lovejoy - Openlogic
- Adam Cohn - Cisco
- Steve Cropper - Cisco
Technical - Kate
- sorting out the usecases/groupings for last 2 meetings
- SPEC 1.1 being readied for wider review.
- Roadmap for 2.0? timing is question, dependency on how quickly we can gel on targets. hoping for Q4.
- need to tie in to business activities with structure to capture, and forward looking activities.
Legal Team - Jilayne
- revised license addition process posted for review
- feedback received, URLs to be added.
- reality of situation, encouraging other to check out.
- Getting more documentation/explanation of vision/goals of subgroup. (see meeting minutes)
- People working on drafts of what legal work group is in charge of.
License list
- Sense of to do list, what is still outstanding.
- Movement on OSI outstanding issues, clarification.
- License notices - lots of discussion, but no net change.
- Nothing further on templatizing front.
Business Team - Michael
- general topic, product planning and roadmap for SPDX
- combining concepts - validating, compliance, root attribution information.
- Product Roadmap - 2.0, some vision of what it should be, review of business team next week.
- Charter - is data exchange, how it is evolving... framework.
- Distinguishing between changes to SPEC and changes to software to support SPEC. Foster adoption, help folks comply, SPEC and implementation in software are different. Java community process...
- SPEC and licensing for implementation. Subset of issues change SPEC, and enable others.
- Framework for discussing different ideas... revision to future plan. Proposing a simple product management to planning. Constituencies, coallescing. Purpose of version in business discussion.
- Current, Next, Future - approach. Product management function. Difference between SPEC and related issues around implementing.
- Wanting to expand out the charter -
Steve/Pierre - Web
- pierre, martin, steve did survey - 30% of content in place, 70% missing
- link on the front page of new site
- assignments, checked against all of the pages, pages, content added and missing.
- requested Steve rebroadcast assignment page, mail out to everyone else.
- Re-attach instruction of .pdf of instructions.
- End of May will be switch over...
- Business team, looking at reallocating page with Kim's name was beside. Finish up.
- Status on assignments, guidelines to being done.
Martin - Web migration
- Wiki ideas, infrastructure is redundant, web site is maintained by Martin, want to find better ways
- Good discussion with Ed Warnicke, moving to proper wiki, going to hosted sites. Move WIKI and make site easier.
- Martin working on plan to do this. Discuss with others after preliminary sketch - June/July time frame.
- Cost: really low, hosting instances cheap, couple $$ per month?
Steve Cropper - SPDX WEBEX site setup option
- Hostids to team members.
- Genearal agreement that this is a good direction to investigate, but Linux system must work with it, or its a non starter. (Steve will get together with Ed, and investigate if Linux problems can be solved).
- Concern expressed desire to have calls recorded for convenience of those in other timezones, and help with meeting minute writers.
- Phil: Can the phone recording option be turned on in future, and the summaries be made available via the web, as interim until WEBEX like capabilities can be make available with all participants, still able to participate.