General Meeting/Minutes/2012-01-12
From SPDX Wiki
< General Meeting | Minutes
- Kim Weins
- Gary O'Neall
- Michael Herzog
- Jilayne Lovejoy
- Mark Gisi
- Brandon Robinson
- Steve Cropper
Legal Update from Jilayne
- Talked about Legal To-Do's
- Legal team is working on templatizing -- they have a draft of guidelines. There are some outstanding issues
- Need to get going on the license approval process. Biz team is owning the process but legal will be participants as well.
- Jilayne and Adam finalized the last edits on the preamble for the data license. Kim to send to community people for feedback
- Mark Gisi has updated "rationale doc" that explains why we selected data license. That doc is not yet on website, but Mark to upload
Tech Team Update from Gary
- Work of tech team is focused on the 1.1 spec.
- They did a review of the draft 1.1 spec and there were a few follow up items.
- Plan is to resolve those issues and update the RDF and the tools by the end of Q1.
- 3 new tools are available that
- Convert between SPDX Tag and RDF format (both ways)
- Convert from SPDX to HTML
- 1.1 Features are:
- Updated data license to CC0
- Fix typos
- Fix the verification codes
- Add tracking of suppliers
- Tech team is also starting on the hierarchical/embedded design for 2.0.
Biz team update from Kim
- Website conversion is almost ready to start
- Web team had a meeting earlier in the week to review the work that is done
- Steve Cropper to schedule a web training for next week to show people how to convert content
- Discussed EclipseCon
- Protecode is taking the lead to organize a BOF
- Discussed Software Supply Chain Summit idea
- The idea is to have an in person 1 day meeting in Bay Area
- Target date is Fri April 6, right after Collab Summit
- Invite people from companies in the software supply chain -- including non-SPDX participants
- SPDX people could also invite supplychain partners
- We want to start to socialize and spread SPDX
- Agenda would need to be developed, but contect would include SPDX Basics, End User talks, License info, tools as well as discussions
- Steve Cropper said Cisco may be willing to host. HP may as well.
- Kim to follow up with LF and let them know.