General Meeting/Minutes/2011-06-02
From SPDX Wiki
< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance: 13
- Minutes for 20110519 approved
[hide]Technical Team Report - Gary
- Tools: have received good feedback; addressed a few technical issues; available for beta use
- Spec: final polishing has been largely completed; waiting for one more review from legal which is expected by Friday am PT
Business Team Report - Kim
- 3 beta teams are working; target for beta completion & feedback is end of June; request that all teams work toward this date
- HP/WindRiver & OL/Antelink are in progress
- Kickoff for Motorola/TI still to be scheduled, but there's been activity. Rockett will work with Gary to get kickoff scheduled
- Website refresh subteam has been created. Details on this working group can be found here:
- GA launch process is next big thing to focus on
- Planned for LinuxCon in Vancouver
- Phil O. has a speaking slot
- Goal include press release and mention in keynote
Legal Team Report - Rockett
- Last scrub on 5/16 spec in progress. Final comments due by Friday am PT time, 6/3
- Recommend Open Data Commons PDDL license for SPDX MetaData (; will send link to broader group for final sign-off
- License templatizing is the next big focus
- Also noted that we'll need a process for adding licenses to SPDX list very soon; Kim says Biz Team has a proposal for a process and she'll plan to share more broadly
Cross Functional Issues – Discussion
- Website update- Steve
- Sandbox for testing new website structure in place
- Team plans to create storyboards for 3-4 personas using mind map tools
- wiki pages for working group now available Old/Website_Refresh
- Questions/recommendations for presenting data for binaries and archives such as jar files -- Kim
- There's been recent email about how to represent data for binaries that are combinations of OSS, 3rd party, and proprietary code in SPDX documents
- Issue has also come up for OL/Antelink beta partners; OL/Antelink have decided to use compound licensing for jar files when needed; should we recommend the same approach for binaries?
- There was a lively discussion on this topic with input from Steve Cropper, Kim Weins, Michael Herzog, Kate Stewart
- Main conclusion: Recommendations for how to handle these use cases need to be added to the draft FAQ
- Draft FAQ is available here: SPDX_FAQ
- FAQ should address questions about proprietary and 3rd party as well as OSS licenses
- Kim added a number of topics to the FAQ; need volunteers to provide additional info on these topics
- A side issue regarding how best to connect package and SPDX document was also discussed
- The topic of package hierarchy also came up
- Michael H. noted that the SPDX team made a conscious choice not to tackle this for v1 of the specification
- v1 spec is intended to address lower level or sub-assembly items and a BOM is not yet represented in the spec
- Recommended that a section on items specifically deferred be added to the FAQ so that new users have visibility into these decisions
- Michael also volunteered to pull together info on well traveled routes for BOMs that we might want to leverage
Open Action Items
- MartinM- Report back on # of people on respective mailing lists. ONGOING
- Kim -- share Biz Team proposed process for adding licenses to SPDX list more broadly
- Michael H. -- provide info on existing BOM standards that should be useful for future consideration
- Legal/Biz Teams- Review and update Master Schedule
- ?? -- volunteers needed to review and update the FAQ: SPDX_FAQ
Closed Action Items
- Kirsten- Notify Kim of need to clean up business section of website.
- MartinM- Get master list of website pages to Kate
- Kirsten Newcomer, Black Duck Software
- Kamal Hassin, Protecode
- Kim Weins, OpenLogic
- Esteban Rockett, Motorola
- Gary O'Neall, Source Auditor
- Michael Herzog, NexB
- Martin Michlmayr, HP
- Kate Stewart, Canonical
- Peter Williams, OpenLogic
- Jillayne Lovejoy, OpenLogic
- Brandon Robinson, Cisco
- Steve Cropper, Cisco
- Tom Incorvia, Microfocus