General Meeting/Minutes/2011-01-13
From SPDX Wiki
< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance - 13
- Minutes from 16 Dec meeting approved
[hide]Technical Team Report
- New Infrastructure is up and running
- Bugzilla is in place. (use will be broad including tracking issues with documentation and the website for example) All are encouraged to set up accounts.
- GIT repository- Gary's pretty printer and the RDF version are up already.
- DEP-5 proposal is in draft state. if we want to sync with them in any way, the time is right. They are open, for example to using the same license short names. We'll assess current gaps and then decide how to proceed.
- The spdx-tech mailing list is very active; interested parties are encouraged to join.
- Started on the grammar for the tag version to facilitate the comprehension of it for the RDF/tag form translation.
Business Team Report
- Beta program
- Progressing
- 5 organizations are interested. (WindRiver/HP have agreed to work together)
- Kickoff meeting with participants Feb3 during the normal Biz Team.
- Next big issue to deal with is getting end user content developed (doc, training, etc.).
Legal Team Report
- Task of developing a process for adding new licenses to the license list has been handed off to Biz Team.
- Rockett/Jilayne and Soren working on the license template scheme.
- Team has been discussing how the spec will influence the way in which the content of SPDX docs is licensed. Team is leaning towards MIT/BSD.
Cross Functional Issues
- Much discussion on the issue of subjectivity v. objectivity with respect to file licenses.
- Example- License A text in header, but author of SPDX doc believes actually License B.
- Several in the discussion were adamant that the stated license in the file needed to be specified.
- Others felt it was important to include the license author's believed correct license.
- Group came to broad agreement on the idea of including fields for both and a comments field to explain discrepancies.
- Discussion to be continued in ad hoc Legal Team meeting tomorrow.
Action Items
- Kate/Kim- Draft example for LF Member Counsel; include XML and spreadsheet. PENDING
- MichaelH/Rockett- Write up and share postion on "reporting" vs. "interpreting. PENDING
- Rockett- Post regular meeting times on Legal Team page. DONE
- MartinM- Report back on # of people on respective mailing lists. DONE, BUT LET'S KEEP UPDATING
- Jilayne- Add column to license list showing DEP-5 short names for comparison.
- Kate Stewart, Canonical
- Phil Odence, Black Duck Software
- Kim Weins, OpenLogic
- Peter Williams, OpenLogic
- Jilayne Lovejoy, OpenLogic
- Phil Koltun, Linux Foundation
- Gary O'Neall, Source Auditor
- Esteban Rockett, Motorola
- Michael Herzog, nexB
- Pierre Lapointe, nexB
- Mark Gisi, Wind River
- Jack Manbeck, TI
- Tom Incorvia, Microfocus