General Meeting/Minutes/2010-10-21
From SPDX Wiki
< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance - 14
- Approval of minutes: 9/23 were approved on 10/14; 10/14 still need to be entered and reviewed.
- Outreach and evangelism:
- Common Messaging/Presentation – PhilO
- no update
- Industry Venues – PhilR
- no update
- Website – MartinM
- website has been running smoothly for while, no missing feature requests recently
- SPDX listed in spam databases - working to get spdx removed.
- BillS: any issue with posting HTML page? look to getting subdirectory should be ok
- ( AI: Bill S to send Martin some examples. )
- Common Messaging/Presentation – PhilO
- Legal Update - Rockett
- SPDX file contents license - working on draft with Bradley, under creative commons - make sure last person editing absolves the previous person. Ideal goal is to work with Creative Commons open source license author.
- Trademark use policy - Karen & Rockett to work on it. To be reviewed with SPDX work group, prior to wider publishing (AI: Rockett to mail out trademark policy draft to SPDX list)
- Trademark processing in progress - looking for response back early November (AI: Rockett to query status)
- Second dedicated LF meeting is still to be scheduled, SPDX cliff notes version needed for (see action item for Kate below), Rockett to announce date.
- Some concern to make sure that SPDX is cast at appropriate light with Linux Foundation, and is not oversold.
- Roll Out Update - KimW
- no changes on roll out - face to face date still pending
- key is how many people can participate, will be discussed tomorrow, and Kim to mail out to wider group the plans. (AI: Kim to announce F2F plans after discussion)
- Licensing Subgroup Update - Jilayne
- spreadsheet sent out with first list.
- guidelines created as went along - looking for review and feedback from group.
- questions came up as looking at it - to be discussed in next licensing meeting.
- next licensing meeting now scheduled for 11/12 at this time - (AI: Kim to set up invite.)
- (AI all: please review 6 months mail and contrast against spreadsheet.)
- Some discussion on headers and decision made to keep the syntax of the text to be language neutral was made. (ie. C style comments, Java style, etc. ignored )
- For now we'll keep working in spreadsheet, with goal of auto translating it over to the html pages when stabilizes. (see action for Martin/Bill to look at html pages written directly to WIKI)
- RDF Subgroup Update - Peter
- concensus of how code RDF semantics into spec still in discussion.
- group is at work on adding additional capabilities to licensing part.
- 5.6/5.7 issue - one proposal adds 5.6 & 5.7 additional properties (name and URL of project file belongs to) - alternate proposal links to DOAP project that encodes the name and URL. (AI: Peter will write up formal proposal between the two proposal, and mail out to list. )
- (AI: All - Next meeting will be voting on it explicitly, those that can't attend, are urged to post feedback/vote to list.)
- Spec Update - Kate
- 3.3 - changing field from SHA of tarball to XOR of file level SHAs. (AI: Kate to write up formal proposal for change of field and mail out to the list.
- (AI: All - please review and if there are technical flaws open discussion on list, if no flaws figured out, next meeting will vote on it changing).
- 5.6/5.7 - discussion of mail list threads - clarification of proposals? (see comments under RDF)
- no other spec field issues known pending at this time. Any new suggestions/requests/comments, please post to list, and add entry into appropriate point in WIKI.
- (AI: Kate add back to SPEC page in WIKI - prefered syntax for adding comments into SPEC)
Action Items
- Kate- Transfer document (.pdf) back to WIKI. DONE
- Dave - Clean up the WIKI to only have analysis visible that reflects current spec. IN PROCESS
- Dave/JeffL - Update zlib based on new specification IN PROCESS
- Peter - Mail out competing proposals for 5.6/5.7 IN PROCESS
- Kate- Track and (when Wiki is back up) implement changes described in Spec section below. DONE (see above)
- PeterW- Implement issue tracking system. BLOCKED ON KATE
- Kate - submit ids to Linux Foundation so infrastructure setup can proceed - pending.
- Kate- Draft example for LF Member Counsel; include XML and corresponding spreadsheet (or spreadsheet-like) format. peinding
- Kim - list of questions from Open World Forum to form start of FAQ - pending - will send mail to list with questions remembered, request Phillipe O, add comments.
- Phil R - Update Industry Events.
- Kim/Martin - slides from OWF made available. Now posted on open world - matin to post to SPDX or link. - DONE
- Kate - 10/14 minutes to be added to WIKI for review. - IN PROCESS
New - See notes in above minutes.
Next Meeting
- 2010/01/04 at same time.
- Tom Incorvia - MicroFocus
- Michael Herzog, nexB
- Esteban Rockett, Motorola
- Bill Schineller, Black Duck Software
- Phil Koltun, Linux Foundation
- Janet Campbell, Eclipse Foundation
- Peter Williams, OpenLogic
- Kim Weins, OpenLogic
- Eric W., Open Logic
- Dave M. Open Logic
- Jilayne Lovejoy, Open Logic
- Martin Michlmyer, HP
- Kate Stewart, Canonical
- Mark Gisi, Wind River