General Meeting/Minutes/2010-09-23
- Attendance - 17
- Approval of minutes: Approved Aug 26 and Sept 9
- Outreach and evangelism:
- Common Messaging/Presentation – PhilO
- Industry Venues – PhilR
- Website – PhilO/MartinM
- Roll Out Update - KimW/JohnE (volunteer needs, face to face plan)
- Legal update from LF Member Counsel call- Rockett
Common Messaging/Presentation
PhilO once again expressed openness to any feedback on the standards slides we should all be using to describe SPDX
Industry Venues
PhilR lead a discussion about future events we should be getting on the list. He will be updating. All are encouraged to crowdsource this list.
Website is still developing and PhilO is open to feedback.
PhilO summarized the need for a roll out plan. Kim emphasized that we are looking for volunteers from the group and our respective organizations. A face to face meeting will be scheduled for Nov 16/17, with location to be determined based on who is coming.
Legal Update
Rockett summarized a call with Linux Foundation legal group, the Member Counsel. (Kim, Kate, JohnE and PhilO also participated.) The Member Council has been aware of standardization efforts for a couple of year and this call was to provide status. A number of the participants were new to the MC, so it was important to get them up to speed. They encouraged us to provide them with an example.
Action Items
- Kate- Transfer document (.pdf) back to WIKI. IN PROCESS; FORMATTING IS A BEAST
- Kim (formerly Kate)- Clean up the sharing analysis to what is accurate. IN PROCESS
- JeffL (w/Bill/Gary- Update zlib based on new specification IN PROCESS
- KimW- Sent rollout slides to mailing list DONE
- RDF Group- Work out syntax for 5.6/5.7 IN PROCESS ON RECOMMENDATION
- Bill S- Add Ed W to the RDF group DONE
- Kate- Track and (when Wiki is back up) implement changes described in Spec section below. WAITING FOR WIKI
- PeterW- Implement issue tracking system. TO BE DISCUSSED.
- Phil R- Update Industry Events.
- Kate- Draft example for LF Member Counsel; include XML and corresponding spreadsheet (or spreadsheet-like) format.
- Spec update- Kate
- RDF work group update - Bill
- Tools repository - Gary/Kate/Bill
- Licenses: special working session on Friday at 12 CDT
Formatting difficulties have slowed getting the spec back in the Wiki. That's in process. Kate will add 5.6/5.7.
Work group is in process defining the ontology. Using knodle site:;jsessionid=16BABC384D81ECF9EC6DC52C93977C3E
Participating are Bill, Kate, Gary, Peter, Jeff, Ed, Kyle (from Canonical), Pierre. Bruno and Marshall have been monitoring as well. We discussed using DOAP (description of a project) as a way to extend SPDX capability.
Tools Repository
LF is willing to host Bugzilla (as well as code). No one in the group saw any problem with going ahead. Kate, Bill and Peter are open to input for defining the hierarchy.
License Discussion
We discussed the call (Friday, Sept 24) dedicated to the big picture license discussion. Decoupling versioning from spec versioning, process for including new licenses, list for version 1, etc.
- Jack Manbeck, Texas Instruments
- Michael Herzog, nexB
- Soeren Rabenstein, ASUS
- Philippe Ombredanne, nexB Inc.
- Esteban Rockett, Motorola
- Phil Robb, Hewlett Packard
- Bill Schineller, Black Duck Software
- Philip Odence, Black Duck Software
- Phil Koltun, Linux Foundation
- Janet Campbell, Eclipse Foundation
- Pierre Lapointe, nexB
- Peter Williams, OpenLogic
- Kim Weins, OpenLogic
- Gary O'Neall, Source Auditor
- Mark Gisi, Wind River
- Ann Thornton, Freescale
- Kate Stewart, Canonical