Business Team/Minutes/2014-04-10
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[hide]Business team Meeting Minutes for 27 February 2014
- Jack Manbeck
- Scott Lamons
- Matt Germonprez
- Norm Glaude
- Phil Odence
- Pierre Lapointe
- Mikael Söderberg
- Roll Call
- Recurring Actions (just get status updates)
- Moving SPDX 2.0 Requirements document to main web site – Jack
- Publishing of archived license lists on the web site (on hold for Collab Summit)
- Publication of License List access document (okay I need a better term) – Gary
- Tech report Framework – Mark
- Google Summer of Code – Michael, Gary or Matt
- Recap of Collab Summit if needed
- SPDX Ecosystem Discussion and Whitepapers
Previous minutes were not yet posted by Jack.
Recurring Actions
- SPDX 2.0 requirements is ready to go. Jack to post document on the SPDX web site.
- Garys programmatic access to the license list document is ready to go. Look to post on the main web site.
- Tech report Framework. At Collab it as agreed to change the name form SPDX tech reports to just SPDX Reports. Looks like the documents are not actually posted on the wiki page yet. Jack to follow up with Mark.
- All SPDX submissions were accepted for the Google Code of Summer for SPDX. Each student has an assigned Mentor as well. Discussed whether we should promote this. Phil was going to get together with Matt to do a blog.
- Phil talked with Jilayne at Collab about some options for the license list to track version changes. He is going to follow up with her. Was thinking we could add two new columns to the list. The version of when the license was added and then the version when the license was deprecated (if it ever is).
- Talked about having a University Page on the wiki for participation. Jack and Matt discussed briefly at Collab and will work to add something. Would link to the page from the main site.
- Discussed Samsung AIRS contribution. Phil is working with the LF and Samsung to put together a press release to announce it.
Linux Collab Summit Was not necessary to do a full re-cap as most of the people at the meeting were there or got the re-cap at the General Meeting. The business team meeting did not happen at Collab due to meetings being shuffled around and the great progress that was made on SPDX 2.0. The LF was adding the DCO hooks into the SPDX GITs. May be done already. Code congtrobuted wll be Apache 2.0 licensed and Samsung will be the gatekeepers for the GIT tree.
SPDX Ecosystem Discussion and Whitepapers
- Mikeal talked about the SPDX track he is looking to set up at the GENIVI members meeting in May.
- Wants to do an overview of SPDX and why it is important for that space. Would be good if other people in SPDX could talk about how they are using it as well.
- Mikeal was thinking we could do a whitepaper for this vertical as well.