Business Team/Minutes/2014-02-27
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[hide]Business team Meeting Minutes for 27 February 2014
- Jack Manbeck
- Scott Lamons
- Mark Gisi
- Gary O'Neall
- Matt Germonprez
- Phil Odence
- Mike Dolan
- Norm Glaude
- Mary Hardy
- Roll Call
- Introduction of new Co-Chair
- Approve previous minutes ( )
- Recurring Actions (just get status updates)
- Publishing of SPDX 2.0 Requirements Document – Jack/Kirsten
- Publishing of archived license lists on the web site (on hold for Collab Summit)
- Publication of License List access document (okay I need a better term) – Gary
- Tech report Framework – Mark
- Google Summer of Code – Michael, Gary or Matt
- Linux Collab Summit Track for SPDX (see below)
- SPDX Ecosystem Discussion and Whitepapers
- Mikael was unable to make the meeting so we will save the introduction for the next call.
- Previous minutes were approved.
- Recurring Actions
- SPDX 2.0 requirements is ready to go. Mark to work with Kirsten to put it through the Tech Report Framework.
- Tech re-port Framework is ready to go. Mark has submitted one document. Needs feedback from TRF reviewers. In particular they should look at the document template as we want to use a standard one. Discussed adding a disclaimer to the document to say whether it was published by SPDX or by an individual/company, Once we have everything ready to go we will add a link from the main web site to the TRF wiki page. Likely after collab summit. Mark will send the review document to everyone who was on the call.
- Five students have responded to the Google Code of Summer for SPDX. Matt is going to follow up with them. Matt is unsure how proposals by students get accepted. Jack suggested working with our LF contact to find out. Matt and Gary have volunteered to be mentors for the students.; may need more.
- Gary to send out on the mailing list the latest document on programmatic access to the license list for review. he should work with Mark to get it into the TRF as well
- Linux Collab Summit Track
- Jack presented the track to the busines team. Team wanted to add a presentation by Gary to go over programtic access to the license list. Jack to work with LF to add. Track is posted on the SPDX website.
- SPDX Ecosystem Discussion and Whitepapers
- Had a general discusson on this with thoughts form people attending.
- Team agreed that doing vetrtical specific whitepapers was a good idea vs. a generic consumer and producer document. Vertical whitepapers would be easier to produce abd could be tailored to areas showing how SPDX would fit in and be useful.
- Discussed having an ecosystem picture that showed how indvividuals/entitites form companies to open source communities fit together and what they would produce/consume with respect to SPDX. This would give people a sense of where they fit in and what was expected of them. Would also allow SPDX to send a clearer picture, e.g. Do open source communities produce SPDX documents or do they use the SPDX license identifier or both or is it a choice, etc.