Business Team/Minutes/2012-08-02
- Jack Manbeck (host)
- Gary O'Neall
- Pierre Lapointe
- Michael Herzog
- Jilayne Lovejoy
- Steve Cropper
- Ibrahim Haddad
- Adam Coehn
- Press Release for 1.1
- Outreach Activities
- Web site
Press Release for 1.1
This is still being formulated so there was no real discussion on this item.
Outreach Activities (Fossology, Open Compliance program, Other?)
Talked with Ibrahim from the Linux Foundation. Ibrahim has been attending all the working group meetings and talking with members and non members about SPDX. He has a number of recommendations that he would like to maker within the next few weeks (perhaps around the time of LinuxCon). One of his proposals will be on governance for SPDX.
Ibrahim brought up that there will be an Open Compliance Summit by the LF in Tokyo Japan October 24 and 25. It would be good for members from SPDX to attend and possibly even give some talks. We should let him know.
Web update
The site was switched over to the new format. Instead of waking through the pages with the business team, Jack volunteered to take a look at them and make sure everything looks okay.
There was some discussion about the Roster page for the business team. There was general agreement that an active membership roster even at the SPDX level would be extremely useful. Jack brought up the technical team suggestion of having a self subscribing page. General consensus was that was a good way to do it and we would let the technical team take the lead on setting something up and then re-using it. Steve mentioned there may be a drupal widget to do something like this and would check with Martin.
Jilayne mentioned that she thought the License List should be on the website Documentation Dropdown given its significance.
Ibrahim brought up that we should use SPDX email names on the website instead of personal ones (because people move on, etc).
There was discussion about the website Ibrahim posted in his comments email giving feedback on the new SPDX website. The team felt that having a more professional site like that would be a good thing and that it was difficult to achieve with just volunteers who are also not web developers. Ibrahim mention that they had contracted that work out and would get a quote to do something similar for SPDX. Steve will work with him on that. How to fund it is still TBD but the team felt getting a quote or general idea would still be a useful first step.