Business Team/Minutes/2010-12-09
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< Business Team | Minutes
- Beta program
- User content - didn't get to this
- Outreach and evangelism - talked a little about this
- Kim Weins
- Phil Odence
- Phil Koltun
- Tom Incorvia
- Scott Lamons
- Mark Radcliffe
Thoughts for Beta Program (for discussion)
Beta program
- Start with RC1 (Q1 sometime?)
- Need spec and license list available. PO - asked could we get started with license list incomplete?
- Ideally 3-5 trading partner pairs (assuming some will not complete it)
- They agree to designate at least one project where one partner will create an SPDX file and the other partner will receive and review it
- (they could do this in parallel with a “spreadsheet process”)
- They provide feedback on what worked, what didn’t, issues, questions
- SPDX group will provide support – available for ad-hoc and regular calls on technical or other issues
- Time period – feedback by Jun
- Want people willing to be quoted in announcement
- Try to get mix of use cases if possible (ex HP HW supplier and Linux distro, Mobile supply chain, Linux distro/upstream projects, consumer and supplier sides of supply chain)
Where to find people
- SPDX members - Kim
- LF Member Council - Talk to Karen C or Rockett
- ELN - Mark Radcliffe
- Others we know of
To Dos
- Brainstorm list – divide and conquer to reach out
- Write up program info/email to solicit interest – Kim
- Presentation on beta program - Kim
- Set up conference call to present further & get organized
- Put together “beta support team”
- Need a “beta program manager”
- Need training/doc/how to for the beta sites (these will be beta docs for final release)
- Will need a beta email list
- What do we discuss/do at OSBC (Mark has speaking slot and can mention it, work with Matt to get separate seminar)), LF Collab Summit, ELN
- Mark R - can talk at qtrly wine dinner and ask
Brainstorm List of possible participants to approach
- HP - possibly with Motorola and/or distro partner (RH or Suse or Ubuntu) or vmWare - Scott
- Canonical/Ubuntu (Kate?) - Kim
- Motorola with other trading partner - Kim
- Asus - ask Soren about this - Mark R
- Wind River - Phil O
- MeeGo within LF - Phil K
- Qualcomm - Mark R and Phil O
- Nokia - ask Karen C - Kim
- Freescale - Kim ask Kate
- Fedora - Phil O
- Apache - with one of the distros
- BT - as an end user - Phil O
- Alcatel Lucent - Mark R
- Advocacy groups - to endorse or participate
- SFLC ( Bradley Kuhn, Karen Sandler - Kim)
- FSF (Eben) Mark
- OSI - Mark R
- Legal people -- Mark Radcliffe, Karen C, Heather Meeker
- Service provider/tool vendors -- generating spdx or reading spdx
- Mark Radcliffe - has personal lists