Upload log
Below is a list of the most recent file uploads. See the gallery of new files for a more visual overview.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 12:33, 4 June 2019 JackM (Talk | contribs) uploaded "" (proposed changes to generate PDF for 2.1.1)
- 19:00, 27 November 2018 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of "File:SPDX-2.2.jpg" (Changes are noted in the callouts in the model)
- 01:25, 23 May 2018 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDX-2.2.jpg" (SPDX 2.2 UML Model)
- 17:22, 17 May 2018 Jlovejoy (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:GSOC 2018 -SPDX Add Licenses-Galo Castillo.pdf" (GSoC 2018 add license submission tool proposal)
- 19:06, 5 April 2018 Podence (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:2018 SPDX Ecosystem Overview.pdf"
- 05:50, 17 October 2017 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of "File:SPDXSpreadsheetTemplate-v2.1.xlsx"
- 05:49, 17 October 2017 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of "File:SPDXSpreadsheetTemplate-v2.1.xlsx" (SPDX Spreadsheet Template version 2.1)
- 00:49, 17 October 2017 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDXSpreadsheetTemplate-v2.1.xlsx"
- 13:56, 26 October 2016 JackM (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:Specification21.png"
- 12:34, 21 October 2016 JackM (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:Logo spdx 250.png"
- 19:10, 12 October 2016 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of "File:Accessing SPDX Licenses v-2.0.pdf" (Updated to correct some grammer/formatting issues and add additional details)
- 15:49, 11 October 2016 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:Accessing SPDX Licenses v-2.0.pdf" (Updated Accessing SPDX license list document)
- 17:00, 15 September 2016 Jlovejoy (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDX Matching Guidelines AT-JL.docx" (Proposed edits to Matching Guidelines by Alan, with comments added by Jilayne as per Sept 1 legal call)
- 17:12, 1 April 2016 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDX-2.1.jpg" (SPDX 2.1 Model)
- 02:41, 4 May 2015 K.stewart (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDX-2.0.docx" (Official 2.0 version (20150503))
- 02:39, 4 May 2015 K.stewart (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDX-2.0.pdf" (Official 2.0 version (20150503))
- 02:34, 4 May 2015 K.stewart (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDXSpecification2.0.docx" (This is the source for the SPDX 2.0 specification)
- 01:40, 4 March 2015 K.stewart (Talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of "File:SPDX-2.0rc3.pdf" (rc3 draft version of SPDX 2.0 specification)
- 01:38, 4 March 2015 K.stewart (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDX-2.0rc3.pdf" (rc3 draft version of SPDX 2.0 specification)
- 01:33, 4 March 2015 K.stewart (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDXSpecification2.0rc3-20150303.pdf"
- 17:12, 23 February 2015 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of "File:SPDX-2.0.jpg"
- 19:45, 20 February 2015 K.stewart (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDX 2.0 Collab Presentation.pdf" (Overview of SPDX 2.0 - presented at Linux Foundation Collab 2015)
- 19:41, 20 February 2015 K.stewart (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDXSpreadsheetV2.0.xlsx" (Template for SPDX 2.0 Spreadsheet (DRAFT))
- 19:04, 12 February 2015 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of "File:SPDX-2.0.jpg" (SPDX 2.0 Model Diagram)
- 20:06, 13 January 2015 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of "File:SPDX-2.0.jpg" (Added OrLaterOperator and WithExceptionOperators to the license model.)
- 13:05, 10 January 2015 Podence (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:2014-12-04 - Dec SPDX General Meeting - SPDX Usage at Valeo.pdf"
- 22:38, 16 December 2014 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDX-2.0.jpg" (SPDX 2.0 Model Diagram)
- 00:36, 18 September 2014 Mgisi (Talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of "File:SPDX-TR-2014-1.v1.1.pdf"
- 00:30, 18 September 2014 Mgisi (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDX-TR-2014-1.v1.1.pdf"
- 17:30, 14 August 2014 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDX-TR-2014-2 v1 0.pdf" (Accessing License List tech report ready for publication.)
- 16:53, 19 June 2014 Mgisi (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDX-TR-2014-3.v1.0.pdf"
- 16:40, 19 June 2014 Mgisi (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDX-TR-2014-2.v1.0.pdf"
- 22:53, 6 May 2014 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:ConsolidatedRelationshipTypes-concall05062014.xlsx" (Attaching the spreadsheet of relationship types, as edited during today's con call May 6, 2014. Some conclusions regarding representing patches, and modifications)
- 17:07, 12 April 2014 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:Accessing SPDX Licenses v-1.0.pdf" (Accessing SPDX Licenses version 1.0 PDF Format)
- 17:06, 12 April 2014 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:Accessing SPDX Licenses v-1.0.docx" (Accessing SPDX Licenses version 1.0 - DOC Format)
- 18:18, 1 April 2014 JackM (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDX 2.0 Data Model Analysis 21 March 2014.pdf"
- 17:18, 1 April 2014 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded a new version of "File:Model-4-1-2014.png"
- 17:15, 1 April 2014 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:Model-4-1-2014.png" (Collab Summit 2014 results)
- 17:57, 17 March 2014 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:Model-3-17-2014.png" (Updated model with relationship type and usage type enumerations. Also updated some of the class and property names to be consistent with the 1.2 model.)
- 17:03, 14 March 2014 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:Json.txt" (JSON Format - An alternative format JSON using the translator at run against the SPDX example at;a=blob_plain;f=Examples/SPDXRdfExample.rdf;hb=HEAD.)
- 17:02, 14 March 2014 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:N3.txt" (N3 Format - A more complete example using the translator at run against the SPDX example at;a=blob_plain;f=Examples/SPDXRdfExample.rdf;hb=HEAD.)
- 03:11, 14 March 2014 Mgisi (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDX-TR-2014-1.v1.0.pdf"
- 18:37, 13 March 2014 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded "" (HTML file describing the proposed SPDX 2.0 terms)
- 18:46, 14 January 2014 K.stewart (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:Spdx-2 0r20140114.docx" (Initial draft 2.0 starting point, no significant content changed, just start of version numbers. )
- 18:43, 14 January 2014 K.stewart (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:Spdx-1 2.docx"
- 20:29, 2 December 2013 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDXRdfExampleTurtle.spdx.txt" (Current output of the SPDX tools RDF file in Turtle format.)
- 20:29, 2 December 2013 Goneall (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDXRdfExampleTurtle-pretty.spdx.txt" (Example of the proposed Turtle format using the current SPDX 1.2 example file.)
- 19:00, 21 October 2013 K.stewart (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDX-1 2.docx" (Official 1.2 Version (20131021))
- 18:55, 21 October 2013 K.stewart (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDX-1.2.pdf" (Official 1.2 Version (20131021))
- 18:54, 21 October 2013 K.stewart (Talk | contribs) uploaded "File:SPDX-1.2.docx" (Official 1.2 Version (20131021))