Legal Team/Minutes/2016-10-27
From SPDX Wiki
< Legal Team | Minutes
- Brad Edmondson
- Dennis Clark
- Paul Madick
- Kate Stewart
- Sam Ellis
- Jilayne Lovejoy
1) Update from joint call with tech team, Oct 25th, to go over XML tag names. Good call, closed out pretty much everything. Meeting minutes from that are here:
2) Other to-do's for XML license list conversion: need to propose new process for conversion to using Github as primarily way to maintain license list
- Dennis to come up with list of types of issues/actions and do a first draft of process for each here: (this will most likely become a "contributing" document later
- we discussed use of Github to this end, including: do we want _all_ issues or actions to be logged there? What is someone is not comfortable with Github, can they still "do things" via email? - answer here was to have good documentation as to how to log an issue (it's really easy). Worst case scenario, someone can move it to the issue system in Github for them to get tracked. Have to have a Github account to log an issue.
- look into using issue templates in Github: Brad and Kris found: and
3) Other things that have come up on mailing list discussed:
- request to add French translation of WTFPL and proposal that is this is an "official translation", then the license is already covered on SPDX License List, and only need to acknowledge that there is a French translation in the notes field (which is consistent with other licenses that come in various languages). --> everyone on call agreed this is a good approach.
- Also have a request fo Licencis Publica General para Bolivia - this is in the Google tracking spreadsheet
- this lead to a more general discussion about non-English licenses and translations of licneses into multiple languages. This needs a broader discussion probably across other SPDX teams (tech and general), but some of the thoughts were:
- If someone say, 'i have an equivalent translation (to a license already on the SPDX License List)' - we have said, OK to use the same identifier and added a link to the translation in the notes field. Should we make note of this "policy"? Or should every translation get it's own identifier and thus side step the "equivalent" question across different languages. How does this interplay with license matching?
- if there is a request for a license in a language that is not English, how do we review? Do we need to have a native speaker of that language help with review to ensure it's been vetted in the same way?
- Kate and Jilayne to suggest this as a topic of discussion as FSFE Legal & Licensing Workshop in April, to leverage viewpoints from international legal community on this topic