General Meeting/Minutes/2015-04-02
From SPDX Wiki
< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance: 10
- Lead by Jilayne
[hide]Biz Team Report - Jack
- Working with Linux Foundation to get press release for 2.0 together; need to come up with better way to represent increase in number of licenses in a meaningful way
- timing for press release: perhaps around ApacheCon, which is in two weeks. Jack to check with Jennifer
- Google Summer of Code - no spots for Linux Foundation due to Google rotating foundations instead of annual representation. Some other LF projects are doing fund-raising to pay for interns.
- Starting next call: think about and plan some re-vamping of website; have some ideas, but want to get it going so that it’s more interactive or by roles.
Legal Team Report - Jilayne
- 2.0 is live now and Git repository is tagged!
- No legal call today, next call on April 16 - will discuss what’s up next after 2.0, priorities and projects to tackle for rest of 2015
Tech Team Report - Kate
- Re: License expression syntax - some discrepancy - Mark to look at
- Comments cleaned out of spec now for most part, a few have moved to Bugzilla
- Jilayne to look through templates section
- Review window for 2.0 is mostly over and as soon as last issue is resolved, will have check-point at next tech team call on Tuesday
- Once published, Jack to update website
- update from Gary on tools: He’s doing some unit tests and hope to have something on the website in a week or so. The tools will be "beta quality" and any volunteers to help test would be greatly appreciated. I'll send out an email once I have the tools posted.
Cross Functional Topics - Phil
- Mike from LF: may be some funding that could be put towards compliance related help for the community. One idea: for various build tools out there, are there things that can be done to make SPDX output easier? If so, what needs to be done, where to apply resources, etc. to help drive SPDX adoption at build time.
- Kate’s thoughts were maybe Android (and ecosystem, working with AOSP), Debian (in order to go into Ubuntu eco-system)
- need: maybe 2 interns with mentor, then planning for long-term ownership?? more discussions needed
- Had a call with Github re: SPDX License List adoption of full names and short identifiers, etc. and how they might leverage license list for their work. More coming hopefully
- Future Presentations for General Meeting:
- TI would be happy to after Collab - Jack is working on it and will follow-up with Phil
- General call out to keep an ear out for people to present
- Jilayne Lovejoy, ARM
- Hassib Khanafer, Protecode
- Michael Herzog, NexB
- Pierre, NexB
- Jack Manbeck, TI
- Bill Schillner, B
- Scott Sterling, Palamida
- Mike Dolan, Linux Foundation
- Paul Madick, HP
- Kate Stewart, Linaro