General Meeting/Minutes/2010-11-04
From SPDX Wiki
< General Meeting | Minutes
- Attendance - 13
- Approval of minutes: 10/14 and 10/21 minutes approved
- Outreach and evangelism:
- Common Messaging/Presentation – PhilO
- no update
- Industry Venues – PhilR
- no update
- Website – MartinM
- Rearranged so that spec under Specification tab can not be edited with the working version being under Participation
- Dealt with some legacy spam reputation issues with
- Common Messaging/Presentation – PhilO
- Roll Out Update - KimW/JohnE
- Face to Face pushed out into Dec/Jan
- Need more volunteers before scheduling
- Beta program is most urgent item; John is back in action and focusing on that.
- Legal Update - Rockett
- No update.
- Linux Plumbers report live from Cambridge
- Well received licensing presentation from Mark Gisi and Sven Dummer included good plug for SPDX
- Interest from Yahoo! in participation
- BoF discussion on creating SPDX report for the kernal.
Action Items
Note: Drafting related action items are embedded in the Wiki.
- Dave - Clean up the WIKI to only have analysis visible that reflects current spec. ON HOLD FOR MARTIN TO PROVIDE PRIVS; SHOULD BE UNDERWAY
- Dave/JeffL - Update zlib based on new specification DONE, BUT AWAITING FEEDBACK
- Peter - Mail out competing proposals for 5.6/5.7 DONE
- PeterW- Implement issue tracking system. BLOCKED ON KATE
- Kate - submit ids to Linux Foundation so infrastructure setup can proceed - PENDING
- Kate- Draft example for LF Member Counsel; include XML and corresponding spreadsheet (or spreadsheet-like) format. PENDING
- Kim - list of questions from Open World Forum to form start of FAQ - pending - will send mail to list with questions remembered, request Phillipe O, add comments. DONE
- Phil R - Update Industry Events. IN PROCESS
- Kate - 10/14 minutes to be added to WIKI for review. - DONE
- Bill S - Send Martin some examples of issue posting HTML. DONE
- Rockett- Mail out trademark policy draft to SPDX list. WAITING FOR SIGNOFF BY LF
- Rockett- Query status of trademark application TBD
- Kim- Update of plans for Face to Face DONE
- Kim- Send out invite for next licensing meeting. DONE. WILL INCLUDE FOLKS FROM DEBIAN.
- All- Review 6 months mail and contrast against licensing group spreadsheet. FOR NEXT LICENSE GRP MEETING
- All- If you can't attend meeting, post feedback/vote to list on 5.6/5.7 proposals. FOR TECH AGENDA NXT MTG.
- Kate- Write up formal proposal on SHA field change and mail to list. IN PROCESS
- All- Review SHA field change proposal for technical flaws; if so, discuss on list. FOR TECH AGENDA NXT MEETING
- Kate- Add back to SPEC page in WIKI preferred syntax for adding comments. TBD
Next Meeting
- 2010/11/18 at same time. NOTE EURO/US TIME DIFF WILL BE BACK TO NORMAL.
- Phil Odence, Black Duck
- Tom Incorvia - MicroFocus
- Esteban Rockett, MotorolA
- Peter Williams, OpenLogic
- Kim Weins, OpenLogic
- Dave M. Open Logic
- Jilayne Lovejoy, Open Logic
- Martin Michlmyer, HP
- Kate Stewart, Canonical
- Ann Thompson, Freescale
- Gary O'Neall, Source Auditor
- Phil Robb, HP
- John Ellis, Motorola
- Marshall Clow, Qualcomm