General Meeting/Minutes/2021-10-07
From SPDX Wiki
- Attendance: 26
- Lead by Phil Odence
[hide]Special Topics- Phil / Vicky
- Governance Update
- New governance is in place
- Will be announcing mechanism for signing up Member Companies
- With that will announce the mechanism for nominating Steering Committee members
- Wipro
- Vicky discussed Wipro’s view of benefits and reasons for joining
Tech Team Report - Kate/Gary/Others
- Tools
- no update
- Specification
- Spec version compatible with ISO, now available
- Version 3
- Working on how to establish the repos
- Question about SPDX Lite
- That would be the minimum mandatory fields
Legal team update - Jilayne
- New license request volume slowed down this month
- Doing some general catchup with members of the legal team
- Due for a new release at the end of the month
- Update on collaboration with OSI and FSF
* Gary is working on 3 year old issues with the LicenseListPublisher to automate the inclusion of data from FSF and OSI * Data is in the isFsfFree column and the OSI approved columns for the SPDX listed licenses * Recently, getting good response from FSF and OSI - especially from OSI * OSI has a machine readable format that is being actively worked on * In addition to tool automation, there may be an opportunity for the legal team to have a communication process on license updates * Jilayne provided history on previous attempts to work with FSF on integrating their data which at times has been less responsive
Outreach team - Sebastian
- Recent Docfest was a success, brought in several tool vendors to compare results
- Updated Wikipedia page progressing slowing
- Lead section updated - this is what you seen when you do a Google search
- Sebastian resolved an accessibility issue with the SPDX spec web pages - increasing the contrast making it much more readable
- Website is being updated
- A section will be added to showcase company usage of SPDX
- Updating meeting time to be more time available
- Times are shown as UTC Note: will change next month
- new time will be the off weeks at the same time as legal
- going to meetings every other week from once a week. Vicki pointed out that there will be more work being done on the mailing list, so feel free to volunteer for outreach activities even if you can't make the meetings.
- Joshua reported the SPDX official podcasts started
- Once a month
- Outreach team will meeting every other month
- Will interview many community members
- Will follow-up with Vicki and others in the general meeting
- Kate - presented keynote at open source summit
- well received, good interested
- Sebastian and Gary reporting increasing interest in SBOM tooling - we're seeing some good momentum
- Phil Odence, Black Duck/Synopsys
- Alexios Zavras, Intel
- Andrew Jorgenson, AWS
- Kate Stewart, LF
- Gary O’Neall, SourceAuditor
- Bill Jaeger
- Bob Martin, Mitre
- Eric Billingsley, Calculi
- Chrissini de Castro
- Michael Mehlberg, Dark Sky Technology
- Maximilian Huber, TNG
- Sebastian Crane
- William Cox, Synopsys
- Vicky Brasseur, Wipro
- Matthew Crawford, ARM
- Marc Gisi, Windriver
- Pierre Tardy,
- Joshua Marpet, RM-ISAO
- Brad Goldring, GTC Law Group
- Paul Madick, Jenzabar
- Jilayne Lovejoy, Red Hat
- Christopher Lusk
- Clement Poulain
- Joshua Dubin, Verizon
- Takashi Ninjouji
- Jeff Schutt, Cisco