Technical Team/Minutes/2019-05-28
May 28, 2019
- Kate Stewart
- Gary O’Neall
- Xavier Figueroa
- Krys Nuvadga
- Mathew Crawford
- Nisha Kumar
- Steve Wilson
- Natish
- Umang
- Philippe O, recommended waiting PRs to be merged.
- PRs not merged yet.
- Next steps: 96 & 98. Gary to work with Philippe to get unblocked
- Recommend to tart working now.
- Proposed a timeline for work. JSON support already done (in PR 96),
want to suggest a change in timeline. XML first. All agree.
- Gary suggests reserving time for
- Updates on Gitter channel
Package Definition
- Gary remembers as distributable unit. Collection of things that can
be copyrighted. tar ball, commit record, directory, .. more of a collection with 2.0. Include subdirectory as its own package.
- Kate notes that - “Common grouping”
- Nish likes idea of common distribution - lowest common denominator is that they are sent somewhere.
- Steve willing to give it a try - simple as possible, follow with examples.
Semi-colon proposal
- Mark Gisi’s proposal of “;” operator.
- Gary - AND used to describe “ALL” the license that apply to a distinct
package. If more than 1 separate work, it becomes confusing.
- Adding another operator similar to “AND”, parts of distribution.
Don’t want to imply that they apply to the same package.
- Nisha would like to see this, defining execution environments.
- Steve not sure what “;” is meant to communicated, 2 or more both
apply to a unit of software. CC-BY-4.0 for documentation, code under Apache. So package as a whole would be Apache-2.0 AND CC-BY-4.0.
- Suggest subdivide and refers to subpackages within a packages.
- “OR” is a choice between licenses.
- What is meant to be communicated by the “;” operator. Want to say
it applies, but not when it conflicts. At package level is LICENSE_INFORMATION_FOUND_IN_FILES.
- Steve - concern people will use “;” when AND is really appropriate.
- Want to reach out to legal team to get their perspective.
- We should either decide to support, or get rid of WIKI page that is confusing people.
- Nisha: AND, OR, and NOT used for licenses is sufficient. Semantic
wise, AND and OR are ok.
- Gary: Kick this over to the legal team.
JSON Format Examples
- Steve: Examples - pull request #120 in SPDX Spec. Call at end of April.
- Iterate what JSON format looks like. Branch for new FORMATs,
sample XML and YAML documents. Iterate and comment to flesh it out on branch. JSON - gets towards a workable example. Get more official.