General Meeting/Minutes/2012-08-23
From SPDX Wiki
- Attendance: 15
- Minutes of August 9 meeting approved.
- Lead by Phil Odence
[hide]Technical Team Report - Kate
- 1.1 work
- Just finalizing a few typos.
- Tech team is signed off.
- General meeting attendees all agreed to call the doc final after typos corrected.
Legal Team Report - Jilayne
- License list
- The focus of the last meeting was working through the FSF license list with an eye towards adding most items on the list to the current SPDX standard list.
- Work is still in process.
- Data license
- Karen wrote up an excellent position statement on why we changed the data license in 1.1.
- Jiilayne will get it up on the website and Scott is looking into providing the link in the 1.1 press release.
Business Team Report - Jack & Scott
- 1.1 Press Release
- Working with Linux Foudation PR group to finalize.
- There's a desire to get a list of companies that are using SPDX, but this will likely ge difficult in the time available. Possible alternatives:
- Quotes from one or two companies
- List of companies that have been involved in the development (which is already more or less public)
- Survey
- The team has started a discussion about sending out a survey to understand attitudes towards, interest in, and adoption of SPDX to help drive adoption efforts.
Cross Functional Issues – Phil
- Web Site Update
- New site is up and running.
- Still working through some minor issues; a team will focus on this at LinuxCon
- Face 2 Face
- Ibrahim is proposing a face to face meeting outside the context of a conference in late Sept/early Oct
- We took a straw poll of who could make it. Some can, but several team leads are questionable.
- Looking into range of possiblities from full physical meeting to full virtual event
- Ibrahim is asking folks who have indicated they could come to add their physical locations to help target a venue.
- Linux Foundation website help
- The LF has generously offered to assign a web consutant to rebuild the website from scratch using LF templates. (see Open Mama site for example)
- Work could commence in October 15
- Steve Cropper, Martin Michlmayr and Jack Manback are evaluating benefits v. staying with our already recently overhauled site.
- Phil Odence, Black Duck
- Kate Stewart, Canonical
- Michael Herzog, nexB
- Jilayne Lovejoy, OpenLogic
- Gary O'Neall, SourceAuditor
- Jack Manbeck, Texas Instruments
- Ibrahim Haddad, Linux Foundation
- Jason Buttura, Cisco
- Steve Cropper, Cisco
- Mark Gisi, Windriver
- Scott Lamons, HP
- Kirsten Newcomer, Black Duck
- Tom Incorvia, MicroFocus
- Brandon Robinson, Cisco
- Martin Michlmayr, HP