Technical Team/Minutes/2011-02-15
Minutes 2/15/2011
Ann Thorton
Kristin Newcomer
Bill Schineller
Peter Williams
Kate Stewart
Gary O'Neall
Note: Next weeks meeting will be at 1:00 Eastern time
Agenda -
License Repository (bug ID 592) - review Peter's draft rdfa html
Domain model diagram (fromt the discussion on bug ID 644) - review Kate's diagram (postponed due to time)
License Repository:
Review of the web pages:
- On the summary web page, there are just 2 columns - full name and short form identifier
- The license detail page would contain the full name, short identifier, other web pages for this license, notes, text, templated version of text, "official header", templated header
- Template column/field - There was a discussion whether the template text should be a separate field from the text field:
- Exact format of the template text TBD
- Defining the template format of the license text is out of scope for the technical team, this will come from the legal team. The technical team will review for technical implement ability.
- legal team agreed that having a separate field for template would be useful
- for now, this template field will default to the same text
- no property for for the license name. In the proposal, dc:title is used for the name – Proposal to later the SPDX spec to include a license name
- License ID - should it be generated from the URL or have a separate tag? [Gary: I think we agreed on it being a property, but I did not confirm this on the call]
- no property to store the header
- no property to store template
- no property to store license notes
- No property sto store the other URL’s. owl:sameas currently used for the other urls in the license, should add it in the spec
- Header text (could have multiple headers are in the text). The data model will support
multiple headers, but we will only use one for now.
- Issues with spreadsheet license text was discussed throughout the call. There were 2 issues – formatting is lost and some license text is too large for the spreadsheet cell. A proposal was made to have the spreadsheet license text cell reference a file which would be formatted using HTML tags.
Action: Add the missing properties to the spec. In general, if there is a column in the license spreadsheet from legal, it should be a property in the spec.
Action: Proposal for the license text column to refer (optionally) to a text file which will be included with the license spreadsheet.