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<p>&nbsp;</p><p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-large;">Software
Package Data eXchange (SPDX™) </span>
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-large;">Specification</span></p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: small;">Version: DRAFT </span><span style="font-size: small;">20100807</span></p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
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<p class="western"><span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;"><strong>Disclaimer</strong></span></span></p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">The following
is a draft of the Software Package Data eXchange (SDPX)
Specification.  This draft is provided as a public courtesy to
illustrate the progress of the project.  Please be advised that in
addition to the licensing terms recited below, no reliance should be
made regarding this draft, including any reliance that this draft
represents any particular standard for any particular purpose.  When
the official SPDX specification is released, it will be clearly be
labeled "official", and its purpose and recommended use
will be clearly stated at that time.</span></p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Copyright ©
2010 Linux Foundation and its Contributors. All other rights are
expressly reserved.</span></p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">With thanks
to Andrew Back, Bill Schineller, Bruno Cornec, Ciaran Farrell, Daniel
German, Debra McGlade, Eran Strod, Eric Thomas, Esteban Rockett, Gary
O'Neall, Guillaume Rousseau, Jack Manbeck, Jeff Luszcz, John Ellis,
Kate Stewart, Kim Weins, Mark Gisi, Marshall Clow, Martin Michlmayr ,
Martin von Willebrand, Michael J. Herzog, Michel Ruffin, Phil Robb,
Philip Odence, Philip Koltun, Scott K Peterson, Shane Coughlan,
Stuart Hughes, Tom Callaway, and Thomas F. Incorvia for their
contributions and assistance.</span></p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Licensed
under the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (reproduced in
Appendix III herein).</span></p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="border-top: none; border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; border-left: none; border-right: none; padding-top: 0in; padding-bottom: 0.01in; padding-left: 0in; padding-right: 0in; page-break-before: always;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="border-top: none; border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; border-left: none; border-right: none; padding-top: 0in; padding-bottom: 0.01in; padding-left: 0in; padding-right: 0in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="border-top: none; border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; border-left: none; border-right: none; padding-top: 0in; padding-bottom: 0.01in; padding-left: 0in; padding-right: 0in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="border-top: none; border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; border-left: none; border-right: none; padding-top: 0in; padding-bottom: 0.01in; padding-left: 0in; padding-right: 0in;">
<span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: large;"><strong>Table of Contents</strong></span></span></p>
<p class="western" style="border-top: none; border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; border-left: none; border-right: none; padding-top: 0in; padding-bottom: 0.01in; padding-left: 0in; padding-right: 0in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<div id="Table of Contents1">
<p style="margin-top: 0.08in; margin-bottom: 0.08in;"><span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;"><strong><a class="western" href="#__RefHeading__1_1093830812">1.
Rationale <br /></a></strong></span></p>
<p style="margin-top: 0.08in; margin-bottom: 0.08in;"><span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;"><strong><a class="western" href="#__RefHeading__3_1093830812">2.
Identification Information <br /></a></strong></span></p>
<p style="margin-top: 0.08in; margin-bottom: 0.08in;"><span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;"><strong><a class="western" href="#__RefHeading__5_1093830812">3.
Common Overview Information<br /></a></strong></span></p>
<p style="margin-top: 0.08in; margin-bottom: 0.08in;"><span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;"><strong><a class="western" href="#__RefHeading__7_1093830812">4.
Index of Non Standard License(s) Detected <br /></a></strong></span></p>
<p style="margin-top: 0.08in; margin-bottom: 0.08in;"><span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;"><strong><a class="western" href="#__RefHeading__9_1093830812">5.
File Specific Information <br /></a></strong></span></p>
<p style="margin-top: 0.08in; margin-bottom: 0.08in;"><span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;"><strong><a class="western" href="#__RefHeading__11_1093830812">6.
Definitions <br /></a></strong></span></p>
<p style="margin-top: 0.08in; margin-bottom: 0.08in;"><a class="western" href="#__RefHeading__13_1093830812">
</a><span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;"><strong><a class="western" href="#__RefHeading__13_1093830812">Appendix
I. Standard License Short Forms <br /></a></strong></span></p>
<p style="margin-top: 0.08in; margin-bottom: 0.08in;"><a class="western" href="#__RefHeading__15_1093830812">
</a><span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;"><strong><a class="western" href="#__RefHeading__15_1093830812">Appendix
II.  Examples <br /></a></strong></span></p>
<p style="margin-top: 0.08in; margin-bottom: 0.08in;"><a class="western" href="#__RefHeading__17_1093830812">
</a><span style="font-family: Calibri,sans-serif;"><strong><a class="western" href="#__RefHeading__17_1093830812">Appendix
III.  Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 <br /></a></strong></span></p>
<p class="western" style="border-top: none; border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; border-left: none; border-right: none; padding-top: 0in; padding-bottom: 0.01in; padding-left: 0in; padding-right: 0in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="page-break-before: always;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<h1 class="western"><a name="__RefHeading__1_1093830812"></a>1.Rationale</h1>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">1.1  Charter</p>
<p style="margin-left: 0.5in;">To create a set of data exchange
standards that enable companies and organizations to share + and
component information (metadata) for software packages and related
content with the aim of facilitating license and other policy
compliance.</p><p style="margin-left: 0.5in;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin-left: 0.5in;">1.2 Definition</p>
<p style="margin-left: 0.5in;">The Software Package Data
Exchange(SPDX<strong>™</strong>) specification is a standard format for
communicating the components, licenses and copyrights associated with
a software package.  An SPDX file is associated with a particular
software package and contains information about that package in the
SPDX format.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="padding-left: 30px;">      1.3. Why is a common format for data
exchange needed?</p>
<p style="margin-left: 0.5in;">Companies and organizations
(collectively “Organizations”) are widely using and reusing open
source and other software packages. Compliance with the associated
licenses requires a set of analysis activities and due diligence that
each Organization performs independently including: a manual and/or
automated scan of software and identification of associated licenses
followed by manual verification. Software development teams across
the globe use the same open source packages, but little
infrastructure exists to facilitate collaboration on the analysis or
share the results of these analysis activities.  As a result, many
groups are performing the same work leading to duplicated efforts and
redundant information being created.  The SPDX working group seeks to
create a data exchange format so that information about software
packages and related content, may be collected and shared in a common
format with the goal of saving time and improving data accuracy.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="padding-left: 30px;">      1.4. What does this specification cover?</p>
<p style="margin-left: 0.5in;">1.4.1. Identification Information: Meta
data to associate analysis results with a specific package. This
includes a unique identifier that identifies a specific instance of a
package and permits correlation to the corresponding SPDX file.
<p style="margin-left: 0.5in;">1.4.2. Overview Information: Facts that
are common properties of the entire package.</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.5in;">1.4.3. File Specific
Information: Facts ( e.g. copyrights, licenses) that are specific to
each file included in the package.</p>
<p style="margin-left: 0.5in;">1.4.4. Common Licenses: A list of
common licenses likely to be encountered and a standardized naming
convention for referring to these licenses within an SPDX document.
This naming convention will also be the basis for extending this set
of common licenses over time.
<p style="margin-left: 0.5in;">1.4.5. Evolution Hooks:  A set of
mechanisms that permit extending the specification in a structured
manner under specific future versions of the specification.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">    1.5. What is not covered in the
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.5in;">1.5.1. Information that
cannot be derived from an inspection (whether manual or using
automated tools) of the package to be analyzed.
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.5in;">1.5.2. How the data
stored in and SPDX file is used by the recipient.
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.5in;">1.5.3. Any
identification of any patent(s) which may or may not relate to the
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.5in;">1.5.4. Legal
interpretation of the licenses or any compliance actions that might
need to be taken.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">    1.6. Format Requirements:</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.5in;">1.6.1. Must be in a
human readable form.</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.5in;">1.6.2. Must be in a
syntax that a software tool can read and write.</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.5in;">1.6.3. Must be suitable
to be checked for syntactic correctness independent of how it was
generated (human or tool).</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.5in;">1.6.4. The SPDX file
character set must support UTF-8 encoding. 
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.5in;">1.6.5. Must permit
automated specification syntax validation.
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.5in;">1.6.6. Resource
Description Framework (RDF) will be used to represent certain
semantic information.
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.5in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="page-break-before: always;">&nbsp;</p>
<h1 class="western"><a name="__RefHeading__3_1093830812"></a>2.Identification
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">One instance of the Identification Information is
required per package instance.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">Fields:</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Specification Version Number</strong></p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Purpose:</strong> Provide a reference number
that can be used to understand how to parse and interpret the rest
of the file.  It will enable both future changes to the
specification and to support backward compatibility.  The version
number consists of a Major and Minor version indicator.  The Major
field will be incramented when one or more sections are created,
modified or deleted.  The Minor field will be incremented when
either only the fields within a section are modified or standard
recognized licenses are added to appendix.</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:</strong> Here, parties exchanging
Identification Information in accordance with SPDX specification
need to provide 100% transparency as to which SPDX specification
such Identification Information is conforming to.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality:</strong> Mandatory, single
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag:</strong> SPDXVersion</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF:</strong> /RDF/SPDXDoc/SPDXVersion</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format:</strong>  SPDX-M.N  <strong>where:</strong>
M is Major version number, N is minor version number.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example:</strong> SPDXVersion: SPDX-1.0</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Generation Method</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Purpose:</strong> Identify how the meta data
information in the SPDX file was generated. If it was generated
manually, it should indicate – who did the analysis.  If the
information in the file was generated with a software tool, the
file should indicate an identifier and version for that tool.
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:</strong> Here, the generation method
will assist the reader of the Identification Information in self
determining the general reliability/accuracy of the Identification
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality: </strong>Mandatory, one or more.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag</strong>: "CreatedBy"</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF</strong>: /RDF/SPDXDoc/CreatedBy</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format</strong>: ”Person: person name”
(with optional email)  or "Company: company" (depending
on which is accountable) or    "Tool: tool identifier -
version”.  If multiple participants in the analysis, then they
should be indicated with separate instances.
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example</strong>:
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 1.5in;">CreatedBy: Person: Jane
Doe (<span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a class="western" href=""></a></span></span>)
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 1.5in;">CreatedBy: Company:
ExampleCodeInspect (<span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a class="western" href=""></a></span></span>)</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 1.5in;">CreatedBy: Tool:
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Creation Time Stamp</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Purpose:</strong> Identify when the analysis
was done and the SPDX file was originally created.  This is to be
specified according to combined data and time in UTC format as
specified in ISO 8601 standard.
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 1in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:</strong> Here, the Time Stamp can
serve as a verification as to whether the analysis needs to be
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality:</strong> Mandatory, single
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag:</strong> "Created:"</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF:</strong> /RDF/SPDXDoc/Created</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format:</strong> YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
where: YYYY is year, MM is month with leading zero, DD is day with
leading zero, T is delimiter for time, hh is hours with leading
zero in 24 hour time, mm is minutes with leading zero, ss is
seconds with leading zero, and Z is universal time indicator.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example:</strong> Created:
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Reviewers</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Purpose:</strong> List of the people who have
reviewed the SPDX file and the date of that review.  Note that
there is no requirement for a particular reviewer to add their
name to the file, however it may be important for participants in
the software supply chain to validate whether upstream providers
have reviewed the SPDX file.  This can be considered as an
equivalent to “signed off” or “reviewed by”.  Additional
reviewers can be added after the original version of the SPDX file
is created and can occur as an append to the original file.
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:</strong> Here, as time progresses
certain reviewers will begin to gain credibility as reliable.
This field intends to make such information transparent.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality:</strong> Optional, zero to many.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag:</strong> "ReviewedBy:"</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF:</strong> /RDF/SPDXDoc/ReviewedBy</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format:</strong> "Person: person
name (with optional email) YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ”.  Where YYYY
is year, MM is month with leading zero, DD is day with leading
zero, T is delimiter for time, hh is hours with leading zero in 24
hour time, mm is minutes with leading zero, ss is seconds with
leading zero, and Z is universal time indicator. If multiple
people participated in the analysis, then each should be
represented with separate instances.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example:</strong> ReviewedBy: Person: Jane
Doe (<span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a class="western" href=""></a></span></span>)
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<h1 class="western"><a name="__RefHeading__5_1093830812"></a>3.Common
Overview Information</h1>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p>One instance of the Common Overview Information is required per
package being analyzed.  A package can contain sub-packages, but the
overview is a reference to the entire contents of the package listed.</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">Fields:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"> <strong>Formal Name</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Purpose:</strong> Full name of the package as
given by originator with version information if available.</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:</strong> Here, the formal name of
each package is an important conventional technical identifier to
be maintained for each package.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality:</strong> Mandatory single
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag:</strong> "DeclaredName:"</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF:</strong>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>DataFormat:</strong> text string of full name
and version information if available.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example:</strong> DeclaredName: glibc 2.11.1</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Specific Package File Name</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Purpose:</strong> File name of package
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:</strong> Here, the actual filename of
the compressed file (containing the package) is a significant
technical element that needs to be carried with each package's
Identification Information.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality:</strong> Mandatory single
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag:</strong> MachineName:</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF:</strong>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format:</strong> text string of machine
generated file name and version typically includes the packaging
and compression methods used.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example:</strong> MachineName:
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Unique Identifier</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Purpose:</strong> This field provides an
independently reproducible mechanism that permits unique
identification of a specific package that correlates to the data
in this SPDX file. This identifier enables a recipient to
determine if any file in the original package has been changed.
The SHA1 unique identifier mechanism will be used.</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:</strong> Here, by providing an unique
identifier of each package, confusion over which
version/modification of a specific package the Identification
Information references should be eliminated.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality:</strong> Mandatory single
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag:</strong> "SHA1"</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF:</strong>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format:</strong> 160 bit value
represented as 40 hexadecimal digits.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example:</strong> SHA1:
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Download URL</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Purpose:</strong> This field identifies the
download Universal Resource Locator (URL) for this package at the
time that the SPDX file was initially created and the analysis was
done.  If there is no public URL, then it is explicitly marked as
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:</strong> Here, where to download the
exact package being referenced is a critical verification and
tracking datum.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality:</strong> Mandatory single
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag:</strong> URL:</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF:</strong>
<span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a class="western" href="mailto:/RDF/SPDXDoc/Describes/Package/URL/@rdf:resource">/RDF/SPDXDoc/Describes/Package/URL/@rdf:resource</a></span></span></p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format:</strong> uniform resource
locator  (when the URL is explicitly “unknown” use
<span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a class="western" href=""></a></span></span>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example:</strong> URL:
<span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a class="western" href=""></a></span></span></p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Additional Source Information</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Purpose:</strong> This is a free form text
field that contains additional comments about the origin of the
package. For instance, this field might include comments
indicating whether the package been pulled from a source code
management system or has been repackaged.</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:</strong> Here, by providing a
freeform field, reviewers can provide any additional information
to describe any anomalies, or discoveries, in the determination of
the origin of the package.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality:</strong> Optional single
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag:</strong> "SourceInfo:"</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF:</strong>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format:</strong> free form text without
line separator</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example: </strong>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p style="margin-left: 1in;">SourceInfo: uses glibc-2_11-branch from
<p style="margin-left: 1in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p style="margin-left: 1in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Declared License(s) for a Package</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Purpose:</strong> This field lists the
licenses that have been declared by the creators of the package.
The licenses are listed using a standard short form name. See
Appendix I for standardized license short forms. If a Declared
License is not one of the standardized license short forms, this
field must contain a reference to the full license text included
in this SPDX file. If no license is declared, the “NotSpecified”
short form in Appendix I should be used.  If it is unclear if
there is a license reference or not, use “Unknown” short form
from Appendix I.  If more than one license is formally declared
for package, then each should be listed.  If the creators of the
package offer the recipent a choice of licenses, then each of the
choices will be declared as a “disjunctive” license.</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:</strong> This is simply the license
identified in text in the actual package source code files
(typically in the header of each package file.)  This field may
have multiple declared licenses, if multiple licenses are declared
at the package level.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality</strong>: Mandatory, one or
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag:</strong> "DeclaredLicense:" 
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 1in; text-indent: 0.5in;">[“DeclaredLicense/DisjunctiveLicense:”]</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF</strong>:</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.83in; text-indent: 0.33in;">/RDF/SPDXDoc/Describes/Package/DeclaredLicense</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.83in; text-indent: 0.33in;">/RDF/SPDXDoc/Describes/Package/DeclaredLicense/DisjunctiveLicense</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format:</strong> &lt;short form
identifier in Appendix I&gt; | "FullLicense"-N</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example:</strong> DeclaredLicense: LGPL-2.0</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Detected License(s) in Package</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Purpose:</strong> This field list of all
licenses found in the package by scanning the files, manually or
using automated tools.  The licenses should use the standard short
form names.  See Appendix I for standardized license short forms.
If a Detected License is not one of the standardized license
short forms, this field must contain a reference to the full
licenses text included in this SPDX file.  If no licenses are
detected then the “NotSpecified” short form in Appendix I
should be used. If it is unclear if there is a license reference
or not, use “Unknown” short form from Appendix I.</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:</strong> Here, we intend to capture
all licenses within the package detected by any scanning tools
used by the package reviewer.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality:</strong> Mandatory, one or
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag:</strong> "DetectedLicense:"</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF:</strong>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format:</strong> &lt;short form
identifier in Appendix I&gt; | "FullLicense"-N</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example:</strong>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 1.17in;">DetectedLicense:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 1.17in;">DetectedLicense:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 1.17in;">DetectedLicense:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 1.17in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Declared Copyright Holder of Package</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Purpose:</strong> Identify the author(s) and
licensor(s) of package, as well as any dates present.  This will
be a free form text field extracted from the package information
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:</strong> Here, by identifying the
actual author(s), some ambiguities, e.g., under which license the
author(s) were intending to license the package, may be resolvable
by knowing who to contact for clarity.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality:</strong> Mandatory, single
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag:</strong> "DeclaredCopyright:"</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF:</strong>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format:</strong> free form text  |
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example:</strong> DeclaredCopyright:
Copyright 2008-2010 John Smith</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Short Description</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Purpose:</strong> This field is a short
description of the package</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:</strong> Here, the intent is to allow
a reader/reviewer of this field to quickly understand the
function/use of the package, at a high level, without having to
parse the source code of the actual package.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality:</strong> Optional single
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag:</strong> “ShortDesc:”</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF:</strong>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format:</strong> free form text that can
span multiple lines</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example:</strong> ShortDesc: gnu c library
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Description</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Purpose:</strong> This field is a more
detailed description of the package.  It may be extracted from the
packages itself.
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:  </strong>Here, the intent is to
provide technical readers/reviewers with a detailed technical
explanation of the functionality, anticipated use, and anticipated
implementation of the package.  This field may also include a
description of improvements over prior version of the package,
where applicable.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality: </strong>Optional single
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag: “</strong>Description:”</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF:
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format:</strong> free form text than can
span multiple lines.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example:</strong> Description: …..</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in; page-break-before: always;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<h1 class="western"><a name="__RefHeading__7_1093830812"></a>4.Index
of Non Standard License(s) Detected</h1>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">This section is used for any detected or declared
licenses that are NOT one of the standard licenses.  One instance
should be created for every unique license detected in package that
does not match one of the standard license short forms from Appendix
I.  Each license instance should have the following fields.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">Fields:</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Identifier</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Purpose:</strong> Provide a unique identifier
for the packages and files sections to refer to non standard
license text detected in the package and reproduced here to aid
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:</strong>  Here, we seek to identify
in whole or in part portions of the package which are licensed
under unfamiliar and/or uncommon licenses.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality:</strong> mandatory single
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag:</strong> "LicenseID"</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF:</strong>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format:</strong> "FullLicense-"N
where N is a unique ascending numeric value.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example:</strong>  LicenseID: FullLicense-1</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Extracted Text</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Purpose:</strong> Provide a copy of the
actual text of the license extracted from the package that is
associated with the License ID to aid in analysis.</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:</strong>  Here, the actual license
text included in the package serves as confirmation that the
license, and version, named in the header files of the package is
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality:</strong> Mandatory single
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag:</strong> "LicenseText:"</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF</strong>:
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format</strong>: free form text field
that may span multiple lines.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example:</strong>  LicenseText: .....</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="page-break-before: always;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<h1 class="western"><a name="__RefHeading__9_1093830812"></a>5.File
Specific Information</h1>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">This section is used to list information for the
files in the package.  One instance should be created for each file.
Each file instance should have the following fields.
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">Fields:</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Full File Name</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p style="page-break-after: avoid;">&nbsp;</p>
</li><li><p style="page-break-after: avoid;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p style="page-break-after: avoid;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western">Purpose: Identify path to file that
corresponds to this information.</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 1.17in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:</strong>  Here, any confusion over
where a file needs to hierarchically be placed for proper
functionality is mitigated.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality:</strong> Mandatory single
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag:</strong> "Name"</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF:</strong>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format:</strong>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example:</strong> Name: /bar/foo.c</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>File Type</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"> <strong>Purpose:</strong> This field Identifies
common types of files where there may be different treatment of
copyright and license information: source, binary, machine
generated, etc.</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"> <strong>Intent:</strong> Here, this field is
basically the "best available" format field, from a
developer perspective.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality:</strong> Optional single
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag:</strong> "Type:"</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF:</strong>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format:</strong> “source” | “binary”
| “archive” | “other”</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example:</strong> Type: binary</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>License(s)</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Purpose:</strong> This field contains the
license governing the file if it is known. It will either be
explicit from the file header or other information found in the
file’s source code or the default from the package.    If no
license information is found it should be denoted as
“NotSpecified”.  If no license information can be determined,
the license is denoted as “Unknown”.  The licenses should use
the standard short form names.  See Appendix I for standardized
license short forms.  If a Detected License is not one of the
standardized license short forms, this field must contain a
reference to the full licenses text included in this SPDX file in
section 4.  If more than one license is detected in the file, then
each should be listed.  If any of the detected licenses offer the
recipient a choice of licenses, then each of the choices will be
declared as a “disjunctive” license.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:</strong> Here, the intent is to have
a uniform method to refer to each license with specificity to
eliminate any license confusion.  For example, the 3 clause BSD
would have a different license identifier then the 4 clause BSD.
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality:</strong>  Mandatory, one or
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag:</strong> "License:" 
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 1in; text-indent: 0.5in;">[“License/DisjunctiveLicense:”]</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF: </strong>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.83in; text-indent: 0.33in;">/RDF/SPDXDoc/Describes/File/License</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.83in; text-indent: 0.33in;">/RDF/SPDXDoc/Describes/File/License/DisjunctiveLicense</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.83in; text-indent: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format:</strong> &lt;short form
identifier in Appendix I&gt; | "FullLicense"-N</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example:</strong>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 1.17in;">License: GPL-2.0</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 1.17in;">License: FullLicense-2</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 1.17in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 1.17in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Copyright Information Detected</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Purpose:</strong> This field identifies the
copyright holders and associated dates of their copyright that are
in this specific file if known. Note: Copyright holder identifier
may have developer names, companies, email addresses, and may be
specified in international character sets.  This will be a
freeform text field extracted from the package information files.</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:</strong> Here, similar to identifying
the actual author(s) (above), by identifying the copyright
holder(s), the copyright holder(s) may be contacted if licensing
issues exist with the package, or to request distribution under
another license more compatible with a given implementation, for
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality:</strong> Mandatory, single
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag:</strong> "Copyright:"</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF:</strong>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format:</strong> free form text |
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example:</strong> Copyright: Copyright
2008-2010 John Smith</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>File Identifier </strong>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.33in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Purpose</strong>: Provide a unique identifier
to match analysis information on specific files between packages.</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.67in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Intent:</strong> Here, by providing an unique
identifier of each file, confusion over which version/modification
of a specific file the Identification Information references
should be eliminated.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Cardinality:</strong> Optional, single
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Tag:</strong> "SHA1"</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RDF:</strong>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Data Format:</strong> 160 bit value
represented as 40 hexadecimal digits.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Example:</strong> SHA1:
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="page-break-before: always;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<h1 class="western"><a name="__RefHeading__11_1093830812"></a>6.DEFINITIONS</h1>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">Reserved in case there is a need for list of
definitions of terms.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="page-break-before: always;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<h1 class="western" style="margin-left: 0in;"><a name="__RefHeading__13_1093830812"></a>
Appendix I. Standard License Short Forms</h1>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">The following table contains the licenses with
standardized short forms that should be recognized by programs that
comply to this version of the specification.    The short forms have
been derived from common usage identifiers, followed by the version
number when known.  The identifier and version should be separated by
a “-“.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">Note: at this time, exact match, of the formal
license is expected unless indicated otherwise by the template
specifications in the version on the web site.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" width="674" rules="GROUPS" bordercolor="#000000">
<col width="127"></col>
<col width="157"></col>
<col width="382"></col>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="14">
<p class="western"><strong>License Identifier</strong></p>
<td width="157">
<p style="border: none; padding: 0in;"><strong>Recognized Exceptions</strong></p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western">&nbsp;<strong>Full name of License</strong></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">AFL-3.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Academic
Free License 3.0 </span>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">AGPL-3.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">(GNU)
Affero General Public License v3</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">APL</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Adaptive
Public License</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">ASL-2.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Apache
License, 2.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">APSL-2.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Apple
Public Source License 2.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">Artistic-2.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Artistic
license 2.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">AAL</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Attribution
Assurance License</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">BSD-4-Clause</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">BSD
4-clause "Original" or "Old" License</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">BSD-3-Clause</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">BSD
3-clause "New" or "Revised" License</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">BSD-2-Clause</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">BSD
2-clause "Simplified" or "FreeBSD" License</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">BSL-1.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Boost
Software License 1.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CATOSL-1.1</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Computer
Associates Trusted Open Source License 1.1</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-1.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution 1.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-NC-1.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial 1.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-ND-1.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution No Derivatives 1.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-SA-1.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Share Alike 1.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-NC-ND-1.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 1.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-NC-SA-1.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 1.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-2.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution 2.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-NC-2.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial 2.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-ND-2.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution No Derivatives 2.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-SA-2.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-NC-ND-2.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 2.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 2.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-2.5</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution 2.5</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-NC-2.5</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial 2.5</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-ND-2.5</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution No Derivatives 2.5</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-SA-2.5</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.5</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-NC-ND-2.5</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 2.5</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-NC-SA-2.5</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 2.5</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-3.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution 3.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-NC-3.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commerical 3.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-ND-3.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution No Derivatives 3.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-SA-3.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 3.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 3.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CDDL-1.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Common
Development and Distribution License 1.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">CPAL-1.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Common
Public Attribution License 1.0 </span>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">EUDatagrid</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">EU
DataGrid Software License</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">EPL-1.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Eclipse
Public License 1.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">ECL-2.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Educational
Community License, Version 2.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">EFL-2.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Eiffel
Forum License V2.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">Entessa</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Entessa
Public License</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">EUPL-1.1</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">European
Union Public License 1.1</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">Fair</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Fair
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">Frameworx</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Frameworx
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">GPL+</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">with
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
General Public License </span>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">GPL-1.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
General Public License version 1.0 only</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">GPL-2.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">with
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
General Public License version 2.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">GPL-2.0+</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">with
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
General Public License version 2.0 or later</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">GPL-3.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">with
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
General Public License version 3.0 </span>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">IPL-1.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">IBM Public
License version 1.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">IPA</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">IPA Font
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">ISC</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">ISC
License (Bind, DHCP Server)</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">LGPL-2.0+</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">with
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
Library or "Lesser" General Public License - no version</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">LGPL-2.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">with
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
Library or "Lesser" General Public License version 2 or
v2.1 only</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">LGPL-2.0+</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">with
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
Library or "Lesser" General Public License version 2 or
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">LGPL-3.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">with
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
Library or "Lesser" General Public License version 3.0 </span>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">LGPL-3.0+</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">with
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
Library or "Lesser" General Public License version 3.0
or later</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">LPL-1.02</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Lucent
Public License Version 1.02 (Plan9)</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">MS-PL</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Microsoft
Public License</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">MS-RL</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Microsoft
Reciprocal License</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">MirOS</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">MirOS
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">MIT</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">MIT
license (also X11, also Historic Permission Notice and
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">Motosoto</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Motosoto
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">MPL-1.1</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Mozilla
Public License 1.1 </span>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">Multics</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Multics
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">NASA-1.3</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">NASA Open
Source Agreement 1.3</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">Nauman</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Naumen
Public License</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">NGPL</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Nethack
General Public License</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">NotSpecified</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">No license
has been specified that can be detected.</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">Nokia</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Nokia Open
Source License</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">NPOSL-3.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Non-Profit
Open Software License 3.0 (Non-Profit OSL 3.0)</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">NTP</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">NTP
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">OCLC-2.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">OCLC
Research Public License 2.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">OFL-1.1</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Open Font
License 1.1 (OFL 1.1)</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">OGTSL</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Open Group
Test Suite License</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">OSL-3.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Open
Software License 3.0 (OSL 3.0)</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">PHP-3.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">PHP
License v3.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">PostgreSQL</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">The
PostgreSQL License</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">Python-CNRI</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Python
license (CNRI Python License)</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">Python</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Python
Software Foundation License</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">QPL-1.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Q Public
License 1.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">RPSL-1.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">RealNetworks
Public Source License V1.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">RPL-1.5</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Reciprocal
Public License 1.5 </span>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">RSCPL</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Ricoh
Source Code Public License</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">Simple-2.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Simple
Public License 2.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">Sleepycat</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Sleepycat
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">SPL</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Sun Public
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">Watcom-1.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Sybase
Open Watcom Public License 1.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">NCSA</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">University
of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">Unknown</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Unknown if
reference to license or not;  possible redirect.</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">VSL-1.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Vovida
Software License v. 1.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">W3C</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">W3C
Software and Notice License</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">WXwindows</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">wxWindows
Library License</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">Xnet</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">X.Net
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="15">
<p class="western">ZPL-2.0</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Zope
Public License 2.0</span></p>
<tr valign="BOTTOM">
<td width="127" height="14">
<p class="western">Zlib</p>
<td width="157">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">with
<td width="382">
<p class="western"><span style="font-size: x-small;">zlib/libpng
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>AFL-3.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong>Academic Free License
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>AGPL-3.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong>(GNU) Affero General
Public License v3</p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>APL</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Adaptive
Public License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>ASL-2.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Apache
License, 2.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>APSL-2.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Apple
Public Source License 2.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Artistic-2.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Artistic
license 2.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>AAL</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Attribution
Assurance Licenses</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>BSD-4-Clause</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">BSD
4-clause "Original" or "Old" License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>BSD-3-Clause</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">BSD
3-clause "New" or "Revised" License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>BSD-2-Clause</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">BSD
2-clause "Simplified" or "FreeBSD" License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>BSL-1.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Boost
Software License 1.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CATOSL-1.1</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Computer
Associates Trusted Open Source License 1.1</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-1.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution 1.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-NC-1.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial 1.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
</strong><span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a class="western" href=""></a></span></span></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-ND-1.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution No Derivatives 1.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
</strong><span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a class="western" href=""></a></span></span></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-SA-1.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Share Alike 1.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
</strong><span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a class="western" href=""></a></span></span></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-NC-ND-1.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial  No Derivatives1.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
</strong><span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a class="western" href=""></a></span></span></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-NC-SA-1.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial  Share Alike 1.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
</strong><span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a class="western" href=""></a></span></span></p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-2.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution 2.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-NC-2.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial 2.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
</strong><span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a class="western" href=""></a></span></span></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-ND-2.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution No Derivatives 2.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
</strong><span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a class="western" href=""></a></span></span></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-SA-2.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
</strong><span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a class="western" href=""></a></span></span></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-NC-ND-2.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial  No Derivatives 2.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
</strong><span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a class="western" href=""></a></span></span></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial  Share Alike 2.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
</strong><span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a class="western" href=""></a></span></span></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-2.5</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution 2.5</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-NC-2.5</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial 2.5</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-ND-2.5</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution No Derivatives 2.5</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-SA-2.5</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Share Alike 2.5</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-NC-ND-2.5</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial  No Derivatives2.5</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-NC-SA-2.5</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial  Share Alike 2.5</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-3.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution 3.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-NC-3.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial 3.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-ND-3.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution No Derivatives 3.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-SA-3.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial  No Derivatives 3.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial  Share Alike 3.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CDDL-1.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Common
Development and Distribution License 1.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>CPAL-1.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Common
Public Attribution License 1.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>EUDatagrid</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">EU
DataGrid Software License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>EPL-1.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Eclipse
Public License 1.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>ECL-2.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Educational
Community License, Version 2.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>EFL-2.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Eiffel
Forum License V2.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Entessa</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Entessa
Public License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL: </strong>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>EUPL-1.1</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">European
Union Public License 1.1</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Fair</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Fair
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Frameworx</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Frameworx
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>GPL+</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
General Public License (unspecified version)</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>GPL+with-font</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
General Public License with font exception</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>GPL+with-classpath</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
General Public License with classpath exception</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>GPL-1.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
General Public License version 1.0 only</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>GPL-2.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
General Public License version 2.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>GPL-2.0-with-font</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
General Public License version 2.0 with font exception</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>GPL-2.0-with-classpath</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
General Public License version 2.0 with classpath exception</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>GPL-2.0+</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
General Public License version 2.0 (or later)</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>GPL-2.0+with-font</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
General Public License version 2.0 (or later) with font exception</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>GPL-2.0+with-classpath</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
General Public License version 2.0 (or later) with classpath
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>GPL-3.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
General Public License version 3.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>GPL-3.0-with-font</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
General Public License version 3.0 with font exception</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>GPL-3.0-with-classpath</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
General Public License version 2.0 with classpath exception</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>IPL-1.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">IBM
Public License version 1.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>IPA</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">IPA
Font License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>ISC</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">ISC
License (Bind, DHCP Server)</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>LGPL+</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
Library or “Lesser” General Public License version – no
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>NOTE: This the same as to LGPL-2.0+</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>LGPL+with-exceptions</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
Library or “Lesser” General Public License version with
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
</strong><span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a class="western" href=""></a></span></span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>NOTE: This is the sames as
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>LGPL-2.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
Library or “Lesser” General Public License version 2.0 </span>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>LGPL-2.0-with-exceptions</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
Library or “Lesser” General Public License version 2.0 with
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>LGPL-2.0+</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
Library or “Lesser” General Public License version 2.0 (or
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>LGPL-2.0+with-exceptions</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
Library or “Lesser” General Public License version 2.0 (or
later) with exceptions</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>LGPL-3.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
Library or “Lesser” General Public License version 3.0 </span>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>LGPL-3.0-with-exceptions</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
Library or “Lesser” General Public License version 3.0 with
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>LGPL-3.0+</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
Library or “Lesser” General Public License version 3.0 (or
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>LGPL-3.0+with-exceptions</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">GNU
Library or “Lesser” General Public License version 3.0 (or
later) with exceptions</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;"><strong>SPDX Template
Reference Copy: </strong></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>LPL-1.02</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Lucent
Public License Version 1.02 (Plan9)</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>MS-PL</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Microsoft
Public License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>MS-RL</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Microsoft
Reciprocal License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>MirOS</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">MirOS
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>MIT</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">MIT
license (also X11, also Historic Permission Notice and Disclaimer)</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Motosoto</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Motosoto
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>MPL-1.1</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Mozilla
Public License 1.1</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Multics</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Multics
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>NASA-1.3</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">NASA
Open Source Agreement 1.3</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Nauman</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Naumen
Public License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>NGPL</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name:</strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">
Nethack General Public License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>NotSpecfied</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">No
license has been found in the file.</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL: </strong>N/A</p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Nokia</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Nokia
Open Source License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>NPOSL-3.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Non-Profit
Open Software License 3.0 (Non-Profit OSL 3.0)</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>NTP</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">NTP
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>OCLC-2.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">OCLC
Research Public License 2.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>OFL-1.1</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Open
Font License 1.1</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>OGTSL</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Open
Group Test Suite License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>OSL-3.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Open
Software License 3.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>PHP-3.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">PHP
License v3.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>PostgreSQL</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">The
PostgreSQL License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Python-CNRI</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Python
license (CNRI Python License)</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Python</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Python
Software Foundation License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>QPL-1.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Q
Public License 1.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RPSL-1.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">RealNetworks
Public Source License V1.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RPL-1.5</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Reciprocal
Public License 1.5</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>RSCPL</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Ricoh
Source Code Public License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Simple-2.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Simple
Public License 2.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Sleepycat</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Sleepycat
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>SPL</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Sun
Public License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Watcom-1.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Sybase
Open Watcom Public License 1.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>NCSA</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">University
of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
</strong><span style="color: #0000ff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a class="western" href=""></a></span></span></p>
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Unknown</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Unknown
if reference to license or not;  possible redirect.</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>VSL-1.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Vovida
Software License v. 1.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>W3C</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">W3C
Software and Notice License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>WXwindows</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">wxWindows
Library License</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Xnet</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">X.Net
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>ZPL-2.0</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">Zope
Public License 2.0</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Zlib</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">zlib/libpng
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Zlib-with-acknowledgements</strong></p>
<li><p class="western"><strong>Formal Name: </strong><span style="font-size: x-small;">zlib/libpng
license with acknowledgements</span></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>Official Download URL:</strong></p>
</li><li><p class="western"><strong>SPDX Template Reference Copy:
<p class="western" style="margin-left: 0.25in;">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<h1 class="western" style="page-break-before: always;"><a name="__RefHeading__15_1093830812"></a>
Appendix II.  Examples</h1>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">See:</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<h1 class="western" style="page-break-before: always;"><a name="__RefHeading__17_1093830812"></a>
Appendix III.  Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0</h1>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">1. Definitions</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western">"Adaptation" means a work based
upon the Work, or upon the Work and other pre-existing works, such
as a translation, adaptation, derivative work, arrangement of music
or other alterations of a literary or artistic work, or phonogram or
performance and includes cinematographic adaptations or any other
form in which the Work may be recast, transformed, or adapted
including in any form recognizably derived from the original, except
that a work that constitutes a Collection will not be considered an
Adaptation for the purpose of this License. For the avoidance of
doubt, where the Work is a musical work, performance or phonogram,
the synchronization of the Work in timed-relation with a moving
image ("synching") will be considered an Adaptation for
the purpose of this License.</p>
</li><li><p class="western">"Collection" means a collection of
literary or artistic works, such as encyclopedias and anthologies,
or performances, phonograms or broadcasts, or other works or subject
matter other than works listed in Section 1(f) below, which, by
reason of the selection and arrangement of their contents,
constitute intellectual creations, in which the Work is included in
its entirety in unmodified form along with one or more other
contributions, each constituting separate and independent works in
themselves, which together are assembled into a collective whole. A
work that constitutes a Collection will not be considered an
Adaptation (as defined above) for the purposes of this License.</p>
</li><li><p class="western">"Distribute" means to make
available to the public the original and copies of the Work or
Adaptation, as appropriate, through sale or other transfer of
</li><li><p class="western">"Licensor" means the individual,
individuals, entity or entities that offer(s) the Work under the
terms of this License.</p>
</li><li><p class="western">"Original Author" means, in the
case of a literary or artistic work, the individual, individuals,
entity or entities who created the Work or if no individual or
entity can be identified, the publisher; and in addition (i) in the
case of a performance the actors, singers, musicians, dancers, and
other persons who act, sing, deliver, declaim, play in, interpret or
otherwise perform literary or artistic works or expressions of
folklore; (ii) in the case of a phonogram the producer being the
person or legal entity who first fixes the sounds of a performance
or other sounds; and, (iii) in the case of broadcasts, the
organization that transmits the broadcast.</p>
</li><li><p class="western">"Work" means the literary and/or
artistic work offered under the terms of this License including
without limitation any production in the literary, scientific and
artistic domain, whatever may be the mode or form of its expression
including digital form, such as a book, pamphlet and other writing;
a lecture, address, sermon or other work of the same nature; a
dramatic or dramatico-musical work; a choreographic work or
entertainment in dumb show; a musical composition with or without
words; a cinematographic work to which are assimilated works
expressed by a process analogous to cinematography; a work of
drawing, painting, architecture, sculpture, engraving or
lithography; a photographic work to which are assimilated works
expressed by a process analogous to photography; a work of applied
art; an illustration, map, plan, sketch or three-dimensional work
relative to geography, topography, architecture or science; a
performance; a broadcast; a phonogram; a compilation of data to the
extent it is protected as a copyrightable work; or a work performed
by a variety or circus performer to the extent it is not otherwise
considered a literary or artistic work.</p>
</li><li><p class="western">"You" means an individual or entity
exercising rights under this License who has not previously violated
the terms of this License with respect to the Work, or who has
received express permission from the Licensor to exercise rights
under this License despite a previous violation.</p>
</li><li><p class="western">"Publicly Perform" means to perform
public recitations of the Work and to communicate to the public
those public recitations, by any means or process, including by wire
or wireless means or public digital performances; to make available
to the public Works in such a way that members of the public may
access these Works from a place and at a place individually chosen
by them; to perform the Work to the public by any means or process
and the communication to the public of the performances of the Work,
including by public digital performance; to broadcast and
rebroadcast the Work by any means including signs, sounds or images.</p>
</li><li><p class="western">"Reproduce" means to make copies of
the Work by any means including without limitation by sound or
visual recordings and the right of fixation and reproducing
fixations of the Work, including storage of a protected performance
or phonogram in digital form or other electronic medium.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">2. Fair Dealing Rights. Nothing in this License is
intended to reduce, limit, or restrict any uses free from copyright
or rights arising from limitations or exceptions that are provided
for in connection with the copyright protection under copyright law
or other applicable laws.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">3. License Grant. Subject to the terms and
conditions of this License, Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide,
royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the
applicable copyright) license to exercise the rights in the Work as
stated below:</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western">to Reproduce the Work, to incorporate the
Work into one or more Collections, and to Reproduce the Work as
incorporated in the Collections;</p>
</li><li><p class="western"> to create and Reproduce Adaptations provided
that any such Adaptation, including any translation in any medium,
takes reasonable steps to clearly label, demarcate or otherwise
identify that changes were made to the original Work. For example, a
translation could be marked "The original work was translated
from English to Spanish," or a modification could indicate "The
original work has been modified.";</p>
</li><li><p class="western">to Distribute and Publicly Perform the Work
including as incorporated in Collections; and,</p>
</li><li><p class="western">to Distribute and Publicly Perform
</li><li><p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">      For the avoidance of doubt:</p>
<li><p class="western">Non-waivable Compulsory License Schemes. In
those jurisdictions in which the right to collect royalties through
any statutory or compulsory licensing scheme cannot be waived, the
Licensor reserves the exclusive right to collect such royalties for
any exercise by You of the rights granted under this License;</p>
</li><li><p class="western">Waivable Compulsory License Schemes. In those
jurisdictions in which the right to collect royalties through any
statutory or compulsory licensing scheme can be waived, the Licensor
waives the exclusive right to collect such royalties for any
exercise by You of the rights granted under this License; and,</p>
</li><li><p class="western">Voluntary License Schemes. The Licensor
waives the right to collect royalties, whether individually or, in
the event that the Licensor is a member of a collecting society that
administers voluntary licensing schemes, via that society, from any
exercise by You of the rights granted under this License.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">The above rights may be exercised in all media and
formats whether now known or hereafter devised. The above rights
include the right to make such modifications as are technically
necessary to exercise the rights in other media and formats. Subject
to Section 8(f), all rights not expressly granted by Licensor are
hereby reserved.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">4. Restrictions. The license granted in Section 3
above is expressly made subject to and limited by the following
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western">You may Distribute or Publicly Perform the
Work only under the terms of this License. You must include a copy
of, or the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for, this License with
every copy of the Work You Distribute or Publicly Perform. You may
not offer or impose any terms on the Work that restrict the terms of
this License or the ability of the recipient of the Work to exercise
the rights granted to that recipient under the terms of the License.
You may not sublicense the Work. You must keep intact all notices
that refer to this License and to the disclaimer of warranties with
every copy of the Work You Distribute or Publicly Perform. When You
Distribute or Publicly Perform the Work, You may not impose any
effective technological measures on the Work that restrict the
ability of a recipient of the Work from You to exercise the rights
granted to that recipient under the terms of the License. This
Section 4(a) applies to the Work as incorporated in a Collection,
but this does not require the Collection apart from the Work itself
to be made subject to the terms of this License. If You create a
Collection, upon notice from any Licensor You must, to the extent
practicable, remove from the Collection any credit as required by
Section 4(b), as requested. If You create an Adaptation, upon notice
from any Licensor You must, to the extent practicable, remove from
the Adaptation any credit as required by Section 4(b), as requested.</p>
</li><li><p class="western"> If You Distribute, or Publicly Perform the
Work or any Adaptations or Collections, You must, unless a request
has been made pursuant to Section 4(a), keep intact all copyright
notices for the Work and provide, reasonable to the medium or means
You are utilizing: (i) the name of the Original Author (or
pseudonym, if applicable) if supplied, and/or if the Original Author
and/or Licensor designate another party or parties (e.g., a sponsor
institute, publishing entity, journal) for attribution ("Attribution
Parties") in Licensor's copyright notice, terms of service or
by other reasonable means, the name of such party or parties; (ii)
the title of the Work if supplied; (iii) to the extent reasonably
practicable, the URI, if any, that Licensor specifies to be
associated with the Work, unless such URI does not refer to the
copyright notice or licensing information for the Work; and (iv) ,
consistent with Section 3(b), in the case of an Adaptation, a credit
identifying the use of the Work in the Adaptation (e.g., "French
translation of the Work by Original Author," or "Screenplay
based on original Work by Original Author"). The credit
required by this Section 4 (b) may be implemented in any reasonable
manner; provided, however, that in the case of a Adaptation or
Collection, at a minimum such credit will appear, if a credit for
all contributing authors of the Adaptation or Collection appears,
then as part of these credits and in a manner at least as prominent
as the credits for the other contributing authors. For the avoidance
of doubt, You may only use the credit required by this Section for
the purpose of attribution in the manner set out above and, by
exercising Your rights under this License, You may not implicitly or
explicitly assert or imply any connection with, sponsorship or
endorsement by the Original Author, Licensor and/or Attribution
Parties, as appropriate, of You or Your use of the Work, without the
separate, express prior written permission of the Original Author,
Licensor and/or Attribution Parties.</p>
</li><li><p class="western">Except as otherwise agreed in writing by the
Licensor or as may be otherwise permitted by applicable law, if You
Reproduce, Distribute or Publicly Perform the Work either by itself
or as part of any Adaptations or Collections, You must not distort,
mutilate, modify or take other derogatory action in relation to the
Work which would be prejudicial to the Original Author's honor or
reputation. Licensor agrees that in those jurisdictions (e.g.
Japan), in which any exercise of the right granted in Section 3(b)
of this License (the right to make Adaptations) would be deemed to
be a distortion, mutilation, modification or other derogatory action
prejudicial to the Original Author's honor and reputation, the
Licensor will waive or not assert, as appropriate, this Section, to
the fullest extent permitted by the applicable national law, to
enable You to reasonably exercise Your right under Section 3(b) of
this License (right to make Adaptations) but not otherwise.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">5. Representations, Warranties and Disclaimer</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">6. Limitation on Liability.
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">7. Termination</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western">This License and the rights granted hereunder
will terminate automatically upon any breach by You of the terms of
this License. Individuals or entities who have received Adaptations
or Collections from You under this License, however, will not have
their licenses terminated provided such individuals or entities
remain in full compliance with those licenses. Sections 1, 2, 5, 6,
7, and 8 will survive any termination of this License.</p>
</li><li><p class="western">Subject to the above terms and conditions,
the license granted here is perpetual (for the duration of the
applicable copyright in the Work). Notwithstanding the above,
Licensor reserves the right to release the Work under different
license terms or to stop distributing the Work at any time;
provided, however that any such election will not serve to withdraw
this License (or any other license that has been, or is required to
be, granted under the terms of this License), and this License will
continue in full force and effect unless terminated as stated above.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="western">8. Miscellaneous</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
<li><p class="western">Each time You Distribute or Publicly Perform
the Work or a Collection, the Licensor offers to the recipient a
license to the Work on the same terms and conditions as the license
granted to You under this License.</p>
</li><li><p class="western">Each time You Distribute or Publicly Perform
an Adaptation, Licensor offers to the recipient a license to the
original Work on the same terms and conditions as the license
granted to You under this License.</p>
</li><li><p class="western">If any provision of this License is invalid
or unenforceable under applicable law, it shall not affect the
validity or enforceability of the remainder of the terms of this
License, and without further action by the parties to this
agreement, such provision shall be reformed to the minimum extent
necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable.</p>
</li><li><p class="western">No term or provision of this License shall be
deemed waived and no breach consented to unless such waiver or
consent shall be in writing and signed by the party to be charged
with such waiver or consent.</p>
</li><li><p class="western">This License constitutes the entire agreement
between the parties with respect to the Work licensed here. There
are no understandings, agreements or representations with respect to
the Work not specified here. Licensor shall not be bound by any
additional provisions that may appear in any communication from You.
This License may not be modified without the mutual written
agreement of the Licensor and You.</p>
</li><li><p class="western">The rights granted under, and the subject
matter referenced, in this License were drafted utilizing the
terminology of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary
and Artistic Works (as amended on September 28, 1979), the Rome
Convention of 1961, the WIPO Copyright Treaty of 1996, the WIPO
Performances and Phonograms Treaty of 1996 and the Universal
Copyright Convention (as revised on July 24, 1971). These rights and
subject matter take effect in the relevant jurisdiction in which the
License terms are sought to be enforced according to the
corresponding provisions of the implementation of those treaty
provisions in the applicable national law. If the standard suite of
rights granted under applicable copyright law includes additional
rights not granted under this License, such additional rights are
deemed to be included in the License; this License is not intended
to restrict the license of any rights under applicable law.</p>
<p class="western">&nbsp;</p>
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<p>Please refer to attached PDF.</p>  

Revision as of 23:55, 27 September 2010

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